

I was doing a little web surfing the other day and come across Yahoo Answers.  Have you ever visited that site? I could not believe how many people are having car problems out there!  I hung around awhile and answered quite a few questions pertaining to car repair. It was kind of fun being able to help some people out. I checked my email and received a lot of “CHOSEN BEST ANSWER”! I think I did my good deed for the day there. But they have some clowns just being funny on there so watch out.

There was one guy there going back and fourth with me on Fuel Injection Cleaning Services. I felt like he was being very rude at times. But I remembered what it was like working in the shop and coming across a customer who acted the same way. I had to hold my cool with this guy. After the third time of responding to his questions, he just disappeared. The next thing I know I check my email and he chose me as given him the best answer! What do you know? lol

If you get a chance go check it out and maybe get your car questions answered. Maybe I will have a chance to meet you there and you can pick me as giving the best answer too! Happy Driving