

I know if you are like me, you are watching the latest gas prices. I have just installed a widget where we can watch these gas prices soar! I know it is not pretty to look at but I figured if you are planning on going on a trip it shows you a live look at the average prices across the country.

If you followed my earlier post you could read how to save tremendously  on your gas like as if it were a new car again. I posted it for people who plan on keeping their cars well over 100,000 miles. Believe me it is better than buying a new or used car again. Now that would be scary. I feel you are buying someone else's problem. But if you keep your vehicle, you know exactly the maintance schedule that was done to it.

As I mentioned the oxygen sensors, the fuel system and the tune up will keep your gas purchases way down. Believe me I know! Then all you have to worry about are your transmission services,oil changes, and your radiator flushes. You normally get a vehicle maintance inspection with all of these services so they will keep you up to date on other things.

With fresh oil, new ignition system components, (plugs wires and cap and rotor if equipped) clean fuel system, and new oxygen sensors installed you can take your long trips and barely watch your gas gage move at all!