Had been busy a while . NO time to make any post here. Recently busy to get a campro turbo tune up . Many things need to add on even the kit had done at KL. This car was belongs to an owner from Ipoh. Using TD04HL turbo unit which took out from a GSR turbo auto . A small turbo that good for auto ride but not for manual tranny.
Installed unichip Q+ & turbo module . Running an external 510cc injector. Boosting at 0.5 bar. Final 167 bhp & torque 220 NM . Just a mild improvement over the stock car. Suppose 190 bhp if based on my ride spec last dyno result.
This car hasn't change the exhaust system . Still maintain at stock exhaust pipe diameter which was 1.6" in diameter. foresee that this car still got potential to up some horsie if correct exhaust system fit in.
Good side is this car already dump in 3mm thick gasket LOL !!! .... Damn safe too boost if cooling system upgraded to large radiator and twin fans .
Will update more about this car when exhaust system done ......
And here also need to apologize let some of you keep waiting for my haltech PS1000 result. Gonna get ti done soon ..... :P