

I was doing a little web surfing the other day and come across Yahoo Answers.  Have you ever visited that site? I could not believe how many people are having car problems out there!  I hung around awhile and answered quite a few questions pertaining to car repair. It was kind of fun being able to help some people out. I checked my email and received a lot of “CHOSEN BEST ANSWER”! I think I did my good deed for the day there. But they have some clowns just being funny on there so watch out.

There was one guy there going back and fourth with me on Fuel Injection Cleaning Services. I felt like he was being very rude at times. But I remembered what it was like working in the shop and coming across a customer who acted the same way. I had to hold my cool with this guy. After the third time of responding to his questions, he just disappeared. The next thing I know I check my email and he chose me as given him the best answer! What do you know? lol

If you get a chance go check it out and maybe get your car questions answered. Maybe I will have a chance to meet you there and you can pick me as giving the best answer too! Happy Driving


I know if you are like me, you are watching the latest gas prices. I have just installed a widget where we can watch these gas prices soar! I know it is not pretty to look at but I figured if you are planning on going on a trip it shows you a live look at the average prices across the country.

If you followed my earlier post you could read how to save tremendously  on your gas like as if it were a new car again. I posted it for people who plan on keeping their cars well over 100,000 miles. Believe me it is better than buying a new or used car again. Now that would be scary. I feel you are buying someone else's problem. But if you keep your vehicle, you know exactly the maintance schedule that was done to it.

As I mentioned the oxygen sensors, the fuel system and the tune up will keep your gas purchases way down. Believe me I know! Then all you have to worry about are your transmission services,oil changes, and your radiator flushes. You normally get a vehicle maintance inspection with all of these services so they will keep you up to date on other things.

With fresh oil, new ignition system components, (plugs wires and cap and rotor if equipped) clean fuel system, and new oxygen sensors installed you can take your long trips and barely watch your gas gage move at all!


I was just checking out this new auto repair estimator here and can not believe how much it takes to get your car fixed! If you have time scroll down and try it out.

I stopped by a local oil change spot here where I live and told them I needed an oil change. I was here before looking up and down their menu board trying to get an idea how much things cost here. I didn't see the price for an oil change. I guess that was my fault for not asking. I was in a real hurry and didn't mind paying 20 to 30 dollars for an oil change.

To my surprise while they pulled it in and start draining the oil, I finally asked what is your price for that oil change. He replied $54.90! I thought it was a joke at first since he didn't have the oil change price listed. I talked to the owner and told him I have been working on cars for over 20 years and have never saw an oil change priced so high.

I remember him sending me a coupon awhile back but did not bring it with me. After talking with the owner a while he gave me $10 off, which I thought was pretty cool. He then remembered me bringing my same vehicle in for an alignment. The conversation went fairly well then I was on my way again.

I guess the morale of this story is to always ask questions!


I have my own personal strategies for generating the very best gas mileage available for your car. I have listed the five most important areas for optimizing performance and increasing your gas mileage at the same time! I generated this list from 20 + years of experience and specializing in Engine performance with certifications from ASE in this field. Keeping with this formula, I can not believe the power and performance I have maintained over all these years. Give it a try!  

1. Replace all of your spark plugs after 2 years or 30,000 miles. I recommend changing your spark plugs with the manufacturers recommendations. Almost all manufacturers use the Platinum spark plug because they are built to last for a long time. The older spark plugs  only lasted 12 months or 12,000 miles without being inspected or replaced. The electrodes would burn down increasing the gap for the spark to jump.

2. Replace your gas filter every 12,000 miles.- Most fuel filters are in line. This means if you follow the fuel line from the gas tank all the way up to the intake manifold, you will find the fuel filter located in this area. Most cars carry a 35 to 45 PSI pounds of fuel pressure through this filter. Any restriction by a few pounds will drop your power and performance output considerately. (means having to press the gas pedal more)

3. Replace your oxygen sensors every 60,000 miles.- The o2 sensors monitor and read the amount of oxygen content coming from your engine. Then in return they tell the computer how to adjust your injectors to compensate for the readings. Slow or sluggish 02 sensors will not respond to the changes as quickly as they need to be compared to new ones.

4. Clean Your Fuel Injection System every 12.000 miles.- A lot of automotive shops offer this type of service to the customer. What this usually includes is, cleaning your injectors with a very strong additive, cleaning up and around your throttle plate area, and cleaning your intake manifold with compressed air and a very strong cleaning agent. You would be surprised to see how much carbon, tar, and varnish is clinging to your fuel system walls and throttle plate. This carbon build up will actually absorb the air and fuel mixtures from entering your engine.

5. If Equipped, Change Your Timing Belt Every 60 to 90,000 miles.- Your timing belt is usually overlooked because you can not visually see the condition it is in. A worn and stretched timing belt will also rob your engine of the power it needs. After 60.000 miles the belt begins to crack and starts to actually stretch like a worn rubber band. The timing of your camshaft to your crankshaft will not be as good as when the belt was new.

Finished tune campro turbo from IPOH

Had been busy a while . NO time to make any post here. Recently busy to get a campro turbo tune up . Many things need to add on even the kit had done at KL. This car was belongs to an owner from Ipoh. Using TD04HL turbo unit which took out from a GSR turbo auto . A small turbo that good for auto ride but not for manual tranny.

Installed unichip Q+ & turbo module . Running an external 510cc injector. Boosting at 0.5 bar. Final 167 bhp & torque 220 NM . Just a mild improvement over the stock car. Suppose 190 bhp if based on my ride spec last dyno result.

This car hasn't change the exhaust system . Still maintain at stock exhaust pipe diameter which was 1.6" in diameter. foresee that this car still got potential to up some horsie if correct exhaust system fit in.

Good side is this car already dump in 3mm thick gasket LOL !!! .... Damn safe too boost if cooling system upgraded to large radiator and twin fans .

Will update more about this car when exhaust system done ......

And here also need to apologize let some of you keep waiting for my haltech PS1000 result. Gonna get ti done soon ..... :P

Car Franchises

Tune-ups- Today,s tune-ups only include installation of spark plugs. So if you can establish this task your self you will be saving a ton of money for the life of your vehicle. So whenever you see a sign advertising TUNE-UPS, this is all your getting for your money!

Back in the 70,s and early 80,s you really got what you were paying for. What I mean is back then the Tune-up consisted of, hooking up your vehicle to an engine analyzer, replacing all of your spark plugs, installing your points and condenser and adjusting them, adjusting your basic timing, adjusting your idle speeds, then adjusting your air fuel ratios on your carbs. Some even included an air filter at no cost! And of course a full maintenance inspection. Now that,s what I call getting your money's worth!

Today's Tune-Up franchiser's need and expect their techs. to up sell other needed services. Most are even paid bonuses and commissions on what they can sell to you. I have seen consumer's coming in wanting only a $59.90 Tune-up and walk away paying close to a thousand dollars. Don't get me wrong here. Now some are needed and recommended items but most of it means a bigger paycheck to the service writer or manager of that shop! My advice would be to check your service manual for the real replacement requirements. I will later on go into more details on this content.

Brakes- I really like this one! I have never seen a tech. work so hard and fast to get your vehicle in the air, pull your tires off, and start their so called free brake inspection. Brakes can be quite expensive! Franchise shops know this and expect to make alot of money from this service. The $59.90 brake job advertised only includes replacing your $10 pads. Thats it! On most cars that can be done after the approval is complete, in only 5 minutes or less. Then they have to kill time to make it look like you got your monies worth. I have to be bias here too. Brakes are Very important to your safety. I would recommend getting a couple brake estimates from a well known shop and go with the lowest estimate. Brakes like Tune-ups can also run as high as $1,000 per vehicle. Expect more on this content also.

Quicky Oil Change Places- These franchises also make alot of money! Watch out for the $9.99 oil change advertisement! They love to sell filters and extended services like, radiator, air conditioner, transmission, and related lubrication services. Once again check your owners manual before you jump into a big money making decision. I have witnessed scare tactics such as showing you a few drops of your fluids and tell you this is a bad sign! They might even compare your fluids to a new sample just to up sell their services to ya. Please expect more on this content also.