
The Original Auto Repair Savings Blog/ Auto Repair Savings And my Special Links

Welcome to the original, “Auto Repair Savings Blog!” My Blog is aimed at helping the consumer understand and be aware of bad auto mechanics and auto repair shops. I have worked over 25 years as a certified auto repair technician helping customers get more for their dollar. I understand how frustrating it is to have car problems and then have to go out and find a reputable auto repair shop who doesn’t look at you like a dollar sign. Most women would rather have a male there so they do not get taken advantage of. I understand!

Auto Repair Savings is also about supplying the consumer with, “how to and DIY articles” that will give them step by step instructions on saving money doing their own repairs at home. Basically this blog was made for the consumer. Lately I have been scanning the internet and finding web sites claiming to be my original Blog. Of course this upsets me! Some how a site called, “Toms Auto Repair” or something to that nature has created their link under mine and has tricked the search engines to taking people to his web site instead of mine. What is this world coming to?
Another web site called Geeks something is using my content from my blog and not redirecting the search engines back to mine like it should. Not only that Word Press Users are also stealing content from my blog and not asking permission. I don’t mind sharing with people but please do not steal from me! My ultimate goal now is to look into purchasing a domain and transferring over there but that costs money. As a single father of a 7 year old I am now working as a free lance writer for a Great web site company called Bright Hub Automotive Articles.

I really hate to spend time writing for them when I could be writing for my, “Auto Repair Savings Blog.” I guess why I was away from my Blog some thieves were busy using their computer skills and stealing my Blog title and my content! What would you do if this happened to your web site? Wouldn’t you feel the same? This is why I have included a donation on my Blog to help me buy a domain name where I know my content would be safe and I can continue helping people with their cars.

In the mean time please follow the link above and check out my latest work on Bright Hub. ( I can sure use the page views there) J Until I can get the donations I will continue fighting these content and title thieves. So cross your fingers and hope that I can save the, “The Original Auto Repair Savings Blog