
Midas Auto Service Centers Over Selling Automotive Repairs in California

I can relate with this article I read this morning about Midas Auto Service Centers over selling automotive parts and repairs. I spent some time in my earlier years working for Midas Auto Service Centers but mostly in the mid west area. I can tell you some stories that would curl your hair sort of speak. But I can tell you some customer experiences I had while working there.

One thing I do remember that sounds a little like the above article is there were incentives to over sell more than what was needed sort of speak. I can remember the big screen television sets for whoever sold the most or who had the highest selling ticket averages. I can honestly say that not all Midas Auto Service Centers over sell auto repairs. The reason why I can say that is when I transferred to another Midas location in another state there was no incentives to over sell the customer. I was surprised!

This new Midas Auto Service Center’s location was in the south west and did pay their technicians very well. Maybe that is the reason why some Midas shops over sell their auto repair services such as this one in California. I understood the owner of the Midas shops in question has over 22 Midas Auto Service Centers. I can see how maybe they had a competition between the stores to see who had the highest sales each month. I know the automotive technicians aren’t worried about their Midas stores going under because they can just move to another location or franchise.

The tactics they maybe using are ones such as telling the customer, “when you replace one you have to replace the other.” This will always get the unsuspecting customer to buy. Another common tactic to use in these brake repair shops are to use broken micrometers and measuring devices to show the customer their automotive parts are out of specifications and need to be replaced. This is over selling automotive parts and repairs. I can honestly say when it comes to Midas Automotive Service Centers, the owners are always insisting on over selling to raise their ticket averages. In my opinion they can either pay their technicians better or resort to illegal over selling tactics such as the ones in California.

So in short if you want to take something away from this article make sure that you get a second opinion on your auto repairs. Most auto repair shops will try to beat a competitors price just to get your business. Midas Auto Service Centers need to take a look around and see these shady tactics will only last so long and when it comes to over selling auto repairs, do not do it.

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