
Winter Automotive Repair Tips: Tune-up Oil Change Brakes & Cars Exhaust

Normally during the winter season, the last thing on your mind is getting a tune-up or car inspection when actually this is the perfect time. The winter automotive repair tips I will be giving you are for tune-ups, oil changes, brakes, and having your car exhaust system checked out. Other items to include would be your serpentine belt, wheel alignment, suspension parts and if you have an automatic transmission, make sure you have clean transmission fluid. If you decide to do this vehicle, maintenance inspections by your self make sure that you do not install used auto parts for replacement parts. I would recommend that you go to either NAPA or AUTOZONE for your car parts. Their automobile parts are top of the line and you should have no problems using them.

Winter auto repair tips includes auto tuning which is changing out your spark plugs on the newer cars. Now while you are changing out your spark plugs notice the electrodes of each spark plug. Each spark plug will tell a story of how that combustion chamber is performing. For example, an oily tip around the electrode area would indicate that you are burning engine oil inside of that cylinder. Your car engine maybe telling you also that your piston rings or your valve guide seals are beginning to wear and leak engine oil internally. While you are changing your engine oil this is a good time to inspect parts of your exhaust system such as the catalytic converter, muffler, and your tail pipe. If you see, any collapsed exhaust pipes or holes in your muffler or tail pipe then replace these auto parts also.

After you perform, the repairs on the cars exhaust system start inspecting your vehicle’s suspension components. What I mean is to look at your shocks, McPherson struts, upper and lower ball joints and the tie rod ends on both the front and back of the car or truck you are working on. I forgot to mention that while you are working on your vehicle try to practice safety by wearing old winter clothes such as your winter boots for the slippery surface under the car or truck and an old pair of winter gloves to prevent you from being burned. As you can see these winter, automotive repair tips such as your tune-up, oil change, and your car’s exhaust system will prevent you from having car problems and being stranded out in the cold winter months ahead.

Last few automobile parts that need to be inspected and replaced if needed are your front disc brake pads, front brake calipers, rear drum brakes and brake hardware, the car battery, and the condition of your timing belt. Most timing belts need to be inspected or replaced every 60,000 miles to prevent car problems such as broken or bent exhaust and intake valves. Not only will you have a well taken care of vehicle but you will also improve your fuel efficiency. Winter automotive repair tips would not be complete until you hook up your scan tool if you have a “check engine light” and get your obd system scanned and fixed.  Diagnose Car Misfires!

Flush and Fill -Cooling System Repairs-Bleeding Air Out of your Car

This article is about bleeding the automotive cooling system now that your car is over heating after some cooling system repairs have been made. Have you ever performed a flush and fill on your car or truck and you notice now that your engine temperature begins to rise until it over heats and boils over out of the radiator? What happens is that during this procedure an air bubble was created inside of your cooling system and created an air pocket. Because of this air pocket, your cooling system has stopped circulating the antifreeze. What you need to do now is purge or bleed the automotive cooling system out until the air bubble is released from your car and it does not over heat any more.

Engines Equipped With Brass Bleeder Screws

Some automotive engines have small brass screws located around the thermostat housing that need to be opened with the car running. You will see small bubbles of antifreeze leaking from the brass screws. When the small bubbles of antifreeze turn into a steady stream of coolant emerging out only then it is time to close the brass screws and fill the radiator back up. Once you have topped off the radiator with the required antifreeze and water 50/50 install the radiator cap and watch the engine gage. Bleeding this type of automotive cooling system when your car is over heating is normally found on the import models.

Engines Without Brass Bleeder Screws

Bleeding the automotive cooling system with out the brass bleeder screws can be very tricky when your car is over heating. On this type of car engine without the brass bleeder screws, you have to bleed the cooling system quite a few times. I have found out over many years of performing flush and fills or repairing the cooling system that you will have to bleed the air out of the system or your car or truck will immediately over heat and your temperature gage will show Hot. If this should happen to you while servicing your cooling system let the car or truck idle until the coolant bubbles disappear and you see a steady flow of antifreeze pouring out of the radiator. You may have to perform this procedure a few times until you quit seeing the air bubbles coming out of your radiator. Turn the engine off, fill the radiator, and install your radiator cap. Bleeding the automotive cooling system when your car is over heating can be dangerous and some times very time consuming.

Diagnose Car Misfires!

What is The 30,000, 60,000 and 90,000 Mile Auto Service

Have you ever saw an auto repair shop that advertises a 30,00, 60,000, and 90,000 mile service for your car or truck and wondered what that was all about? I want to give you a better understanding what is included and why you should seriously consider having this done. These types of automotive services are very important to you and your car or truck especially going into this weather change. Always remember the mileage on our vehicles determines what type of maintenance is needed.

If your vehicle is under twelve thousand miles then you should not have to worry about any kinds of car maintenance needing to be done right now. Obviously this does not fall into the category of 30,000,60,000,and 90,000 mile services offered. The only thing you should have done by now is to make sure your oil has been changed at least twice by now. These types of newer vehicles have warrantees that will cover you in case you have any car problems. So basically anything under 12,000 miles should be good to go for the upcoming winter weather.

Auto repair shops usually advertise the 30,000, 60,000 and the 90,000 mile services and checks when the weather changes. I have found that these type of services usually offer the public the right kind of auto repair maintenance that needs to be done at these service intervals. A few of these services include replacing the spark plugs, air and fuel filters, and the oil change. I can honestly say these types of services are very important to consider if you do not like to write down and keep track of every automotive service that you receive. These types of auto repair shops know what to check and replace for you at these service intervals. All of the services are also recommended by the car dealerships who have their own 30,000, 60,000, and 90,000 mile type of service.

I hope this will give you a better understanding of why these 30,000 60,000 and 90,000 mile services are offered to the public. Normally the prices advertised up front and in the news papers are just the four cylinders. The six and eight cylinder prices will be a lot more because of the extra labor involved performing the 30,000 60,000 and 90,000 mile service to your vehicle. But believe me when I say these are excellent services offered for the people who just likes to get in their cars and drive without worrying if you forgot a service that was needed. You can feel confident that you were caught up as far as performing your vehicle maintenance when the auto repair shop finishes. See More........
Diagnose Car Misfires !

Midas Auto Service Centers Over Selling Automotive Repairs in California

I can relate with this article I read this morning about Midas Auto Service Centers over selling automotive parts and repairs. I spent some time in my earlier years working for Midas Auto Service Centers but mostly in the mid west area. I can tell you some stories that would curl your hair sort of speak. But I can tell you some customer experiences I had while working there.

One thing I do remember that sounds a little like the above article is there were incentives to over sell more than what was needed sort of speak. I can remember the big screen television sets for whoever sold the most or who had the highest selling ticket averages. I can honestly say that not all Midas Auto Service Centers over sell auto repairs. The reason why I can say that is when I transferred to another Midas location in another state there was no incentives to over sell the customer. I was surprised!

This new Midas Auto Service Center’s location was in the south west and did pay their technicians very well. Maybe that is the reason why some Midas shops over sell their auto repair services such as this one in California. I understood the owner of the Midas shops in question has over 22 Midas Auto Service Centers. I can see how maybe they had a competition between the stores to see who had the highest sales each month. I know the automotive technicians aren’t worried about their Midas stores going under because they can just move to another location or franchise.

The tactics they maybe using are ones such as telling the customer, “when you replace one you have to replace the other.” This will always get the unsuspecting customer to buy. Another common tactic to use in these brake repair shops are to use broken micrometers and measuring devices to show the customer their automotive parts are out of specifications and need to be replaced. This is over selling automotive parts and repairs. I can honestly say when it comes to Midas Automotive Service Centers, the owners are always insisting on over selling to raise their ticket averages. In my opinion they can either pay their technicians better or resort to illegal over selling tactics such as the ones in California.

So in short if you want to take something away from this article make sure that you get a second opinion on your auto repairs. Most auto repair shops will try to beat a competitors price just to get your business. Midas Auto Service Centers need to take a look around and see these shady tactics will only last so long and when it comes to over selling auto repairs, do not do it.

Please visit The Car Repair Savings Blog!

Choosing a Reliable Car to Rent When You Travel

Choosing a reliable car to rent when you travel is a must when you are going on vacation. Renting a car is a superb idea when it comes to not having to worry about the car breaking down and spoiling your vacation time. Can you imagine if you were on vacation with your family and your own personal car was to get hot and your check engine light were to come on how much trouble this would cause? Well with a reliable car that you are renting when you travel you would not have to worry about anything like this. Especially if the car rental company is known to only rent or lease very nice cars and trucks.

As we talk about car repairs here on this blog this is one idea that never crossed my mind. Let some one else take care of the car maintanence for you with a rental car while you are on vacation. And when you choose a reliable car rental service who has numerous locations around the world you can just switch cars if your rental was to some how break down on you. I think the next time I plan on going on my Vacation for instance like in France, I will plan on choosing a reliable car rental company such as SIXT Car Rentals France ,to take care of all of my car rental needs!

As a matter of fact I plan on telling everyone I know to consider the idea of renting a car rather than driving your own so you can just enjoy your vacation. So remember choosing a reliable car to rent when you travel is a must.

How To Get Your Antifreeze Coolant Ready For the Winter

How to Get Your Antifreeze Coolant Ready for the Winter
This article will explain how to get your antifreeze coolant ready for the Winter. It also explains what flushing a cooling system is.
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All ,

I believe majority of car enthusiast in malaysia not even heard this aftermarket ecu. Even myself as well . I won't know this ecu until adaptronic malaysia distributor told me last few mths. So what make the distributor to recommend me this ecu ? First of first , i was surprised with their offer price to me. The offered price was surprisingly lower than haltech P500 . Well , that just a part that interesting but i can not accept this ecu until i access the function and capability. Got the interface of adaptronic , i access the interface page by page ... I am speechless , the function was about same as p1000 . Just some enhancement not there but more than enough to remove stock ecu if no airbag and CAN BUS speedo meter . Then i totally accept this ecu . but then i still wonder this ecu work on campro engine. I failed to make it work at first . After adaptronic engineer educated me about setting . Finally i got the very first one adaptronic installed at Neo CPS . The neo CPS become very responsive at the throttle and overall . One thing very amaze with e420c is the transient throttle that featured with little advance timing to happen when you got the throttle open from static. That boost the response. Beside that close loop fuel trim also work for fuel economic when cruising. CPS switching sound become very obvious !!

If for those BOT , you can control boost by speed. No issue to upgrade big cc injector . No rich at idling !!

So my conclusion ADAPTRONIC E420C is affordable and good to use on campro engine .

Car Tips For The Fall and Winter Time Driving

Although October is car care month, here are more tips to get you caught up on your car maintenance for Winter time driving. On the icy and wet road surfaces you need to have your tires inspected for proper tread wear. Your tires have tread wear indicators built in so that your local tire shop will be able to tell you when it is time to replace them. Fall and winter time driving will be more safe when you have the proper tread exposed to give you more traction during the wet Fall and Winter time driving.

I cant stress enough on having your car’s antifreeze tested and having the right amount mixed together. One tip to remember here is to have your antifreeze mixed to at least thirty five degrees below zero to prevent engine freeze ups. You could also have your radiator freeze up and cause it to burst resulting in an expensive replacement. Car maintenance tips such as these are very important not to forget. Although these are directed at Fall and Winter time driving, do not forget to also check your antifreeze in the month of April also.

The Fall and Winter is the time to check the condition of your wiper fluid bottle and the hoses connecting to the wiper blades. Mostly in the Winter time driving the wiper fluid bottle can freeze up and burst also like your radiator. Make sure in the Fall time you have these items inspected as you will need and depend on them to get you through the Winter. One other tip here is to check the hoses as they can freeze up also and prevent any wiper fluid to reach your windshield. You can go to any parts store and find the small windshield wiper hose needed to replace it with. Remember the Fall and Winter time driving will bring a lot of mud and slush preventing you to see from your windshield.

Any Fall and Winter time driving can cause you to break down no matter how much you think you are ready for the weather change. It is always a good idea to keep a small survival kit with you while traveling out there on the highways. Car maintenance is still a good idea and will help you in the weather change but you cannot rely on this. Some other items that you cannot be ready for out there driving in the Fall and Winter are things like your electrical and electronic components. There is no way of getting ready for these items to fail.

I hope these other car maintenance tips will prepare you for the Fall and Winter time driving and also help you to keep safe out there.

Is piggyback good for BOT proejct that exceed 100% of stock horsepower ?

Regard above question . I will say piggyback no longer a right fuel management if power produced after BOT exceed stock power another 100% !! Let say stock 120 - 130 bhp . And you got you ride BOT and boost 1 bar . With that boosted pressure , the rated power should be around 260 - 280 bhp. Is 100% improvement over stock power. My personal opinion, piggyback is good if power make not exceed 50% over stock power. If more than a basic standalone is better than that. I am being tuned more than 10 campro BOT . Majority is xenon's customer ride . Only one BOT campro was using haltech sprint 500. The rest is either haltech interceptor and unichip . The one with haltech sprint 500 is really impressive with response . TD04HL used in this Campro BOT. I can find the difference if compare those campro BOT with TD04HL and use piggyback as fuel management. Overall performance is better !! So my advice is looking for right fuel management if you decided to boost above 0.5 bar . Nowaday basic standalone like haltech sprint 500 & adaptronic e420 is affordable. You just need to spend another RM800 for better performance !! I know is a pain to pour so much at once. But you will even pain upgrade from piggyback to standalone !! Many of them just thinking standalone is too much , i am totally not agree. Standalone is just nice and not too much. When you decided for BOT , you should make a brilliant choice on fuel management.

How To Fix Cars: Do It Yourself-DIY- and Winterize

When it comes to winterizing your car or truck I will explain how to fix them and do it yourself. While you are learning how to fix cars have some basic hand tools like wrenches and a good socket set handy. Winterizing your car requires no special skills or tools. The parts you will need to do it yourself is a oil and filter, thermostat, antifreeze, a thermometer and a set of wiper blades. Always keep a jug of wiper fluid with you in case that you run out.

The first task that you would want to do when winterizing is to check and change your engine oil. When you do it yourself make sure that you use jack stands for safety reasons. Some car manufacturers recommend that you run a thinner oil in the winter time. The reason is that oil is very thick when you first start your car in the cold weather. The thinner oil will circulate a lot faster and prevent the engine from starving for oil until it heats up. Check and read your owners manual to see if you can run a thinner oil in the winter time.

When you are learning how to fix cars and do it yourself getting a good repair manual for your specific car is a must. This repair manual will show you where certain items are located such as your engine thermostat. When you locate the thermostat which is usually connected to the top radiator hose make sure the engine is cool enough to work on. Replace your thermostat. Remember when you perform this task yourself it can be a little dangerous and you may want to leave it up to a professional to winterize your car for you.

I have always found when learning how to fix cars and trucks and getting them winterized having a digital thermometer is very important to have. You can point the laser at the inside vents to get a reading of how hot your heater will be. You can also point it at your upper and lower radiator hoses to check the coolants circulation as well as your heater hoses connecting to your heater core. The next item to winterize would be your wiper blades. Replace these by yourself by reading the directions on the box.

As you can see learning how to fix cars will save you a ton of money when you decide to do it yourself and winterize.

Auto Mechanics and Auto Repair Shops: Tips Tricks Rip-Offs and Scams

As a former auto mechanic for over twenty five years working in various auto repair shops, I want to tell you some of the tips, tricks, rip-offs and scams to watch out for. Keep in mind not all auto repair shops and auto mechanics are out there to trick and scam you. But the ones that are out there to rip you off could be your local auto repair shop and you may not even know it. Your auto mechanic is suppose to be there to help you make difficult decisions easy but could use that against you. Here are some tips to watch out for when having your auto repaired.

Let me start off with taking your car or truck to your local auto repair shop for an oil change. You may be thinking how can I be ripped off and scammed for this small service. To avoid these tricks you may ask the auto mechanic if you can watch him perform this type of service. Some auto mechanics will walk into the waiting room and show you the condition of your fluids and lubricants. One trick that is used quite often is he or she will dirty up the item he is bringing in to show you.

If it is your transmission dipstick the bad auto mechanic will find some very dirty transmission fluid and convince you that is yours and needs immediate attention. If his scam works then he just ripped off eighty dollars from convincing you to have a transmission fluid and filter change.

Auto repair shops that offer a free brake inspection can boost your auto repair bill very high. The auto mechanic will take you on a tour around your auto and explain to you what he found by inspecting your brakes. The tip here is to have some one with you who has a basic knowledge of how a braking system works. One trick used here by auto mechanics is to squirt some brake fluid on your hydraulic components and convince you that they are leaking and is very dangerous to drive.

Other scams to be on the look out for on a typical brake inspection is the auto mechanic will adjust his gauges to show that your rotors and drums are to worn out to resurface. The trick here is to get you to buy new brake rotors and brake drums when in fact you do not need them.

These are just two services auto mechanics and auto repair shops use when they are out to trick and scam you the customer. I will have to follow up with another article to expose the rip offs used in all of the auto repair services in a later story.

Automotive Winterization Tips: How To Prepare Your Car or Truck

Winter time is just around the corner which means we all need to get our car or truck winterized now. These automotive winterization tips will help you prepare your car or truck for old man winter. I want to offer these tips from working in the automotive field for over twenty five years. I have seen my fair share of cars and trucks towed in to the automotive repair facilities during the winter.

1. Have your fuel system cleaned. More fuel is required for your engine. What you need to do is change your gas filter and have your fuel system cleaned. A dirty fuel system will lean out the fuel mixture which will cause your car or truck to run very bad in the winter time.

2. Check the operation of your four wheel drive now. All summer we are using our two wheel drive on our cars and trucks. Make sure when you activate your four wheel drive the gears and electrical components are in working order. If your automotive car or truck is not activating the four wheel drive get it fixed now.

3. Get your snow tires ready. If your car truck has rear wheel drive you should install the snow tires before the winter arrives. If your not sure if your car or truck has rear wheel drive you can pull into any automotive repair shop and ask a mechanic to step outside for a minute to check for you.

4. Have your belts inspected. I have found that the cold weather will have an effect on your belts and cause them to break or squeal very loud. Most of the time they will need to be adjusted only. You can either do this yourself or have a automotive repair shop perform this for you for around fifty bucks.

5. Have your battery tested. This tip for winterization should always be performed in the fall. The colder temperatures will put a major load on your battery. Have your automotive mechanic test your cold cranking amps for your car or truck.

6. Have some deicing spray or similar fluid available for your car or truck door locks. How many times have you tried to unlock your automotive doors and found them to be frozen?

7. Replace your wiper blades. For less than twenty bucks you can have them replaced. The ice and snow will increase the pressure and destroy your old wiper blades.

8. Automotive winterization tips should always include having your antifreeze tested and serviced if needed before the winter arrives.

9. Have your thermostat changed. The thermostat is used to help your car or truck get up to operating temperature faster. It also provides the heat inside of your car or truck.

10. Check the type of oil you will be using in the winter. Some automotive companies require a thinner oil in the winter time. For example you might use the 5w30 in the winter and the 10w30 in the summer.

I hope these automotive winterization tips will help you better prepare your car or truck for old
Old man winter.

Auto Repair Advice: Tips for the Fall

This is going to be an interesting article for everyone to learn something about auto repair advice and tips for the up and coming Fall. With over 25 years of experience I have seen my share of vehicles coming into the shop on tow trucks during the Fall seasons. Most of these could have been prevented if the customers took the time to get their vehicles up to date on their maintenance schedules. The best auto repair advice I can give to you is have your car inspected every Fall and Spring. Plan on spending a few hundred dollars doing this. Anything over five hundred dollars I would get a second opinion.

The Fall weather will bring us a lot of moisture and rain. Worn out secondary ignition components will allow the rain and moisture to seep inside and cause problems such as your car missing, popping, and backfiring through your exhaust pipes. Ask the auto repair shop if its time to replace your spark plug wires with your spark plugs. The tip here is to have this done before the popping and backfiring blows very large holes in your exhaust system. Don’t be afraid to ask the auto repair shop their advice on more auto repairs needed for your car.

The next auto repair advice I can share with you is to have your anti freeze tested and serviced if needed. What I mean is to ask the auto repair shop if they would recommend a flush and fill or just a radiator drain and fill to have you ready for the Fall. This would also be a good time to ask him about replacing your thermostat. It is only a few dollars more and worth every penny. Remember the Fall season will bring us colder temperatures and the tip here is to have your heater in working order.

The next tip I will give you is to keep a Fall safety kit with you. This has nothing to do with auto repair advice but will come in handy if you should happen to get stuck in the snow. I would recommend a blanket, cell phone, jumper cables, and a set of basic hand tools to keep with you. You never know when these items will come in handy. One last tip I have for you is to always try and keep a full tank of gas in the car when you are out there driving. This will give you added weight for traction, a fresh supply of fuel if you get stranded, and will help to keep your fuel lines from freezing.

Auto repair advice and tips is one thing that you want to have saved in your favorites list especially in the Fall. I supply a large library of auto repair advice and tips for the average driver.

Fall Car Care Months: October and April

I understand a lot of consumers are afraid to go into their local car repair shops thinking they will get taken. That is completely understandable. Having the car care in the month of October will allow the consumer to get ready for the winter months ahead. Having a bad belt or dirty oil definitely needs to be serviced before the cold sets in and leaves you stranded in a place you would not want to be. The car care month in April will allow the consumer to be prepared for the heat related car problems that may arise unexpectedly in the summer.

October is Fall car care month across the country. This check up will let you know what you need to have serviced for the upcoming winter. Most importantly you will need to have all of your cars fluids checked and have a complete maintenance inspection done on other car items. Antifreeze is your main item you need to have ready for the winter months. You will need at least minus thirty five degree protection in your antifreeze. This is also a good time to have your wiper blades replaced. Like I said before during your complete maintenance inspection this and other items will be checked for you. So be sure to put down October is the time for your car care month.

The month of April is also car care month across the country. The items you want to have checked are your tires, fluids, air conditioner and antifreeze protection of up to around two hundred and fifty degrees of boiling point protection. This is also the time to have your cars thermostat and radiator cap replaced. These two items are not very expensive and will help you in a time of need. Ask your car mechanic when he thinks you should have your cooling system flushed and filled. He will be able to test it both in October and in April during the car care times.

Having car care months both in October and in April is an excellent time to advise the consumer on their car care needs. This was introduced to help the consumer once again to be aware of their cars needs. Studies have been done and have revealed that around fifty billion dollars were not being spent on car care needs every year. That is a lot of cars and trucks going around with much needed work to be done on their vehicles. So be sure to mark down on your calendars that October and April is the time to have your car inspected.

Some update on the aftermarket intake manifold

NA short ram intake manifold for campro is available . Offer price RM1200

Below is some photo of my current engine bay

How To Improve Your Gas Mileage Tips

I understand there are a lot of articles out there on ways to improve your gas mileage. This article will come from what you might call a horse’s mouth. I have worked on cars using my engine performance skills in helping people improve their gas mileage for over 25 years. I will go over the most effective and proven ways that you can use to achieve this goal of improving your gas mileage.

Get your vehicle tuned up every two years or twenty four thousand miles.

Old spark plugs will eat up your gas like you would not believe. I have tuned up cars using a before and after effect using an oscilloscope and a four gas reading machine used for emission testing. You will create a very strong spark used for combustion with new spark plugs. The engine oscilloscope shows the voltage loss on the screen compared to almost none with a new set of spark plugs. The engine four gas machine will show a very large decrease in your hydrocarbon levels also with a new set of spark plugs.

Change out your oxygen sensors when it is time.

On today’s cars they use the assistance of oxygen sensors located in your vehicles exhaust system. Depending on your year make and model you will have from one to five 02 sensors on your car or truck. You can see them in action watching them on your scanner. Old and sluggish 02 sensors will not work fast enough in controlling your air and fuel mixtures. You will basically be throwing unburned fuel out of your tail pipe. By changing out your 02 sensors you will also improve your gas mileage.

Change out your spark plug wires regardless of their exterior appearance every sixty thousand miles.

Spark plug wires are just like spark plugs showing the loss of voltage on an engine oscilloscope. If you were to just replace one spark plug wire you can visually see a big difference on the oscilloscope. Replacing your spark plug wires every sixty thousand miles will improve your gas mileage tremendously.

Change out your filters when it is time will improve your gas mileage.

Your car’s filters will smother your car’s engine when they are not replaced on a regular basis. Your gas filter will get plugged up and not only will cause you to break down it will make the driver use more of their throttle pedal to waste gas. The air filter really needs no explanation. If it is not replaced then your engine will no longer be able to breathe. So as you can see these tips used will definitely improve your gas mileage.

How To Perform A Proper Tune Up On Today’s Cars And Trucks

On today’s cars and trucks manufacturers no longer use the points and condenser inside the distributor even if the car or truck has one. Ignition timing is no longer adjustable as well as the idle speeds. As you might would have guessed the car’s computer controls all of those settings and adjustments. So the question here is, what is a proper tune up on today’s cars and trucks? I will answer this question from my experience as a ASE certified drivability engine performance specialist.

Cars and trucks today should have a way of analyzing the engines condition before the tune up process is started. Machines such as using the engine analyzer would be able to inform the technician how the insides of the motor is working. Compression and valve train components should be tested to see even if a tune up will help the vehicle. If and when the cylinder balance test confirms that everything is working internally then the trained technician will go ahead and start the tune up process.

Normally around 60 to 90 thousand miles on today’s cars and trucks the platinum tipped spark plugs will need to be replaced. Just like the earlier models you will need to check and adjust the spark plug gap. The spark plugs will come pre-gapped but you will want to be sure that some where along the line the tip may have been bent or dropped accidentally. Using some type of anti-seize compound on the spark plug threads, torque the spark plugs down to the specified torque settings.

After installing your spark plugs you will want to also replace your spark plug wires. If you were to look at the engine analyzer before the tune up process you would be able to see how much voltage you were losing with those old spark plug wires. It would take a trained drivability engine performance expert to point that out using his oscilloscope while the vehicle was running. The much newer cars and trucks require no spark plug cables because they have individual coil packs placed on the top of each spark plug.

Most vehicle manufacturers require you to change all of your oxygen sensors at 90 thousand miles. A proper tune up on today’s cars and trucks would include replacing these sensors because they will get sluggish in their response time helping control with your fuel delivery. You should notice a huge difference in calculating your gas mileage after replacing your oxygen sensors. Today’s cars and trucks normally have 4 or 5 oxygen sensors located in the exhaust system.

Depending on the year and make of your vehicle, the timing belt should be replaced also around 90 to 100 thousand miles. The reason is because the timing belt will become cracked and will stretch causing you to lose your power on acceleration and could also possibly break handing you some very extensive engine damage.

Now of course the last things that should be checked and replaced is your antifreeze and your fuel filter and of course lets not forget to check the air in your tires also. As you can see, performing a proper tune up on today’s cars and trucks can become very expensive! Before you decide to tune up your vehicle, you will have to decide if you plan on keeping it for another 90 to 100 thousand miles.
For more of My Car Care reading please visit my library at Associated Content Com.

Auto Repair Trouble Shooting with a Code Reader/Code Scanner

Auto Repair Trouble Shooting with a Code Reader/Code Scanner
Having a scanner will help you diagnose car abd truck problems. The more money you spend the more features you will get!
Autel MaxiScan MS409 OBD-II/EOBD Scanner

How to Replace Your Front Brake Calipers:1992 Chevy Cavalier

How to Replace Your Front Brake Calipers:1992 Chevy Cavalier
Instructions on replacing your front brake calipers. You will need to bleed the calipers when you are finished.

Tips for Tuning Up a 1991 Dodge Dynasty 2.5 Liter

Tips for Tuning Up a 1991 Dodge Dynasty 2.5 Liter
How to tune up a 1991 Dodge 2.5 liter. Replace the spark plugs, spark plug wires, and distributor cap and rotor.
Red Color 94-91 Dart / 2.5Liter / L4 Cylinder DODGE Dart Nology HotWires.

Top 5 Reasons And Signs To Get Rid Of Your Old Car

I know there are a lot of us out there who wants to keep our cars forever. But some times it is best to just get rid of your car than putting more and more money into it. There will be a time when you will have to make that decision weather to keep the car or just get rid of it. Here are the Top five signs to look for.

1. Smoking from your exhaust pipe. This is usually a sign of your engine internally having problems such as worn seals and gaskets. The most common problem are worn valve guide seals. These seals wear and allow engine oil to enter the combustion chamber area fouling out your spark plugs and causing a whole lot of smoke.

2. Transmission shifting poorly. When you can feel your automatic transmission shifting very hard or very late then you have transmission problems. You will most likely have to have it over hauled or replaced. I have seen sometimes where changing your automatic transmission fluid to late will actually make it worse to drive.

3. Smelling a sweet antifreeze smell coming from your tail pipe. This usually means that your car has one time over heated and may have warped your cylinder heads or your entire engine block. You may see your temperature gage fluctuate a lot and averaging around the “hot” mark most of the time. You may be able to have your head gaskets checked and tested but in the end its also most likely your engine is warped also.

4.When you first start your vehicle in the morning you hear a lower engine knock until the oil circulates. What this is most likely to be is worn or bad piston rods. You will need to have the engine overhauled to fix this problem. You may get lucky and find a auto mechanic who will drop your oil pan and replace your pistons. But that is not a very good idea.

5. Constantly replacing your oil fouled spark plugs. Just as I mentioned above, there are also more reasons other than your valve guide seals. Your piston and compression rings inside your cars engine will need to be replaced and the cylinders rebored. Basically an engine overhaul will fix this problem.

I hope this article will help you to make that decision. For more car care information please visit My AssociatedContent Page Here.

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Campro LOW compression piston and rod by ROSS


Lets see how the quality of ROSS campro low compression and forged piston.

RM2600 for 4 pcs

Campro turbo manifold

Guys ,

Good news !!! First of the first campro turbo intake manifold will be installed in my ride this coming friday.

Will make a dyno comparison before and after.

Initial offer cost will be RM1400 . The intake manifold was designed to suit EVO 4 and above throttle body.

80% finished .

Inner view

Chevrolet Trail Blazers Information

I just found out that GM has a problem with their front wheel bearings going bad quite a few times. The procedure to replace them is not very hard if you have a way of jacking the wheels up and pulling the half shafts out of them. I did some research and found them to be replaced almost once a year! If anyone has any more information on these 2000 to 2006 Chevrolet Trail Blazer Models let me know. I found the bearings have to be replaced in pairs. And you can expect to pay around a hundred bucks to replace these bearings on each side then also the labor. Im thinking maybe the labor might run around 1 to 2 hours of labor time.

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