
Top 5 Reasons And Signs To Get Rid Of Your Old Car

I know there are a lot of us out there who wants to keep our cars forever. But some times it is best to just get rid of your car than putting more and more money into it. There will be a time when you will have to make that decision weather to keep the car or just get rid of it. Here are the Top five signs to look for.

1. Smoking from your exhaust pipe. This is usually a sign of your engine internally having problems such as worn seals and gaskets. The most common problem are worn valve guide seals. These seals wear and allow engine oil to enter the combustion chamber area fouling out your spark plugs and causing a whole lot of smoke.

2. Transmission shifting poorly. When you can feel your automatic transmission shifting very hard or very late then you have transmission problems. You will most likely have to have it over hauled or replaced. I have seen sometimes where changing your automatic transmission fluid to late will actually make it worse to drive.

3. Smelling a sweet antifreeze smell coming from your tail pipe. This usually means that your car has one time over heated and may have warped your cylinder heads or your entire engine block. You may see your temperature gage fluctuate a lot and averaging around the “hot” mark most of the time. You may be able to have your head gaskets checked and tested but in the end its also most likely your engine is warped also.

4.When you first start your vehicle in the morning you hear a lower engine knock until the oil circulates. What this is most likely to be is worn or bad piston rods. You will need to have the engine overhauled to fix this problem. You may get lucky and find a auto mechanic who will drop your oil pan and replace your pistons. But that is not a very good idea.

5. Constantly replacing your oil fouled spark plugs. Just as I mentioned above, there are also more reasons other than your valve guide seals. Your piston and compression rings inside your cars engine will need to be replaced and the cylinders rebored. Basically an engine overhaul will fix this problem.

I hope this article will help you to make that decision. For more car care information please visit My AssociatedContent Page Here.
