
Trouble Shooting Automotive Brakes

Are Your Brakes Making A Noise Now?
Let me tell you what is happening when you start hearing noisy brakes.

First of all, how long have they been making a noise, is what an auto technician will ask you. He needs to find out what kind of oral estimate to give to you.
If for instance your noise just started within this past week you might be fine. If its been longer then that, then you might be looking at some expensive repairs! What I mean is, the longer you wait the higher the repair bill will be.

Your brakes are equipped with built in automatic squealer tabs to let you know when your brake pads or brake shoes are just now hitting the worn out mark. After a couple weeks of squealing, then your starting to run your pads or shoes directly into your brake drums or brake rotors. This is what they call metal to metal contact.

Sometimes the auto technician can turn your rotors or drums. They need to measure the thickness of the rotors and drums to make sure they can be turned or resurfaced. If you wait to long to have your brakes inspected then you could cut deeply into these items and there is no way they can be fixed. You would have to now have them replaced causing a higher brake bill. They could be resurfaced but if that happens then you will most likely experience some vibrations and pulsation by the following week after your repair. Then you would be upset like I would be. And in some states its illegal to send you out with unsafe thin rotors or drums.

The bottom line here is, if your brakes are making a noise then just park the car until your ready to have them fixed or take it in for a complete brake Inspection. I will follow up with this in a future blog!