
General Motors And Their Carbuerators

I mentioned earlier about the use of Carbuerators declineing. But what I forgot to mention was, some people prefer older cars to the newer Fuel Injected models. Fuel Injection is nice but I sure miss the old Carbs! I remember overhauling and rebuilding at least 2 or 3 per week.

General Motors came out with what they called was the C-3 Quadrojet which was great when working properly. It took about an hour to Soak and then another hour to clean and restore. Special tools and gauges were required to put them back together.

 I think back in the 90's we were charging around $300 to $400 bucks to rebuild. We had to attend alot of General Motors Training classes to keep updated. I remember the excitement I had when installing it on the vehicle, then starting the car!

We had to tweak out the air fuel mixture screws, adjust the choke pull-offs and set the Idle speeds back to Factory Specifications. Next we hooked up the onboard scanner and made sure the ECM was properly adjusting the carbuerator after our initial settings. It was like watching a child grow! I sure miss the excitement!