To build a turbo engine is cost for car maker . A turbo car uses to sell double the price of a NA ( natural aspirated ) car . NA engine is far more easy to build and maintain , but the output power and performance way far poor than a turbo engine .
Especially for youngster and some others whom performance minder , NA engine output power is under their expectation . Even they got the honda v-tec B16A type R , they still want to bolt on turbo . They can't find any excitement or wooh from that honda popular v-tec or screaming engine . Nowadays market full with engine which build to last and fuel save . Everybody struggling with petrol price hike . Everybody looking for fuel save , but then they also demand good performance from fuel save machine which is NA engine . That is never happen . In the end , they can't stand with poor performance of their so called " fuel save " machine . They looking for workshop that able to help them to boost some power of their " fuel save " machine . Come to workshop , mechanic will alway say you want immediate power and bolt on turbo is the choice . When the mechanic quote them price of turbo kit , they will faint with the figure . For bolt on turbo , easily touch RM7000 . Woh that figure is really make them to die heart and never think about immediate power again . In fact they never think , they have spent on those small upgrade nearly touch rm5000 - rm6000 in many months ago . They still can't get the expected performance . In the end , they give up to modify their " fuel save" machine and let it be .
If you want your fuel save machine or NA engine to boost more power , pls save more to bolt on a turbo . The price that you pay is far more worth it than you spend on those look cheap and not really improve performance . Although offered price of a turbo kit is 4 figure , it can satisfy you .
Next we will take about how to turbocharge a natural aspirated engine .