
Piggy back or fuel management system for campro BOT

There are many type of piggyback system available at market . The most popular systems are emanage blue , SAFC II , SAFC NEO , unichip Q & Q+ and SMT7 . Among of them , safc and emanage are the cheapest piggback system that you can get in town . Unfortunately emanage can't control campro ignition timing and safc didn't have that feature . Ignition timing need to be adjusted if BOT . NA stocK ignition timing will cause knocking due to high degree of advance timing . Advance timing is very to generate torque in NA . By ignite mixture before fully piston fully compress , the burning of mixture will cause gas expand and build another level of pressure inside cylinder . Hence compression pressure increase , and give very huge burning power . Imaging if once BOT , air no longer suck but is force in . That already create some pressure that higher than NA inside cylinder . If allow to ignite mixture high degree advance timing will build up extreme pressure before piston fully compress. Piston will be suffered with this sudden high pressure and will not last long . Unlucky it will break immediate , or it will cause detonation and blow a hole at piston head . The worst one will bend the con rod . A piggyback that can control campro ignition timing is extremely important to protect engine after BOT .