
Piggy back or fuel management system for campro BOT

There are many type of piggyback system available at market . The most popular systems are emanage blue , SAFC II , SAFC NEO , unichip Q & Q+ and SMT7 . Among of them , safc and emanage are the cheapest piggback system that you can get in town . Unfortunately emanage can't control campro ignition timing and safc didn't have that feature . Ignition timing need to be adjusted if BOT . NA stocK ignition timing will cause knocking due to high degree of advance timing . Advance timing is very to generate torque in NA . By ignite mixture before fully piston fully compress , the burning of mixture will cause gas expand and build another level of pressure inside cylinder . Hence compression pressure increase , and give very huge burning power . Imaging if once BOT , air no longer suck but is force in . That already create some pressure that higher than NA inside cylinder . If allow to ignite mixture high degree advance timing will build up extreme pressure before piston fully compress. Piston will be suffered with this sudden high pressure and will not last long . Unlucky it will break immediate , or it will cause detonation and blow a hole at piston head . The worst one will bend the con rod . A piggyback that can control campro ignition timing is extremely important to protect engine after BOT .

Rotational Rationale by circle track

Keep cranks simple, or go high-tech?
all contributors: David Vizard

Story about Crankshaft

LAW of LONG ARM - By scatcrank

They say that the heart of the engine is the camshaft, since it is one of the key components that dictates the
engine’s power level, power band, idle quality, and other characteristics. If the cam is the heart, then the crankshaft is the
spine. The crankshaft also dictates power and powerband, but in a much more ambivalent way (through its stroke which, along
with the bore size, dictates the engine’s cubic-inch displacement). The crank is what transfers the up and down reciprocating
movement of the piston and rod into the rotating motion required to drive the transmission. It carries the weight of all eight rods
and pistons, and must deal with the shock loads of the combustion process. A stock crank does this a stock engine.
But when power levels start to climb, that stock crank will eventually give under the tremendous loads imposed upon it.
Aftermarket crankshafts are hugely popular in the Mustang world, since they are required for stroker kits and are usually
necessary when an engine goes from bolt-on status to real power. But not all aftermarket cranks are created equal. There are
different materials, different manufacturing processes, and different ways to prep a crank. One of the most respected crankshaft
manufacturers is Scat Enterprises, in Redondo Beach, California. Scat has been in business for 35 years, and builds more than
15,000 crankshafts per year. Some of their customers include NHRA Top Fuel, Indycar, and Winston Cup teams, and they also
build the cranks sold by Ford Racing Performance Parts in its 347, 393 and 514 stroker kits, among others. You would be
shocked to learn how many aftermarket stroker kits use Scat cranks and rods.
Scat makes everything from inexpensive cast cranks, to forgings, to the ultimate gotta-have-it custom billet-steel piece that
will withstand more power than you can build in a small-block Ford. We wanted to see what went into building a custom crankshaft,
so we spent a day at Scat’s 42,000 square-foot facility to follow along as a billet crank is created, from the heavy chunk
of steel to the finished beauty. We also chatted with Scat’s owner, Tom Lieb, on the different crank types and got some killer
information on the subject.

You’ve heard of a crankshaft referred to as a casting, a forging, or a billet, but what does that mean, what are the
differences between them, and what is the strength comparison? Basically, a cast crank is made by pouring molten iron into a
sand mold, letting it cool, than pulling it out and machining it. This is the easiest and least expensive way to make a crank, and
that’s why the majority of stock cranks are castings. They are strong enough for most stock applications, and will run forever in a
daily driver. But bolt a blower or nitrous system on the engine, and start making some power, and a stock cast crank is living on
borrowed time. Scat has a line of cast cranks, the 9000 Series, that are available in several different strokes and are stronger
than stock. Lieb told us that the tensile strength of a stock cast crank is 95,000 pounds, whereas the 9000 Series cast crank
is rated at 105,000 pounds.
A forged crankshaft is made by taking a big piece of iron and forcing it into roughly the correct shape for a crankshaft.
This obviously requires mammoth machines, which dramatically drives up the cost of manufacturing. The advantage of a forging
over a cast crank is strength. The material used for a forging is generally better to begin with, and by moving the metal instead
of melting it, the grain structure of a forging is better. Pushing the metal around does not break the grain structure, it just
stretches it into a different shape (think Play-Doh), and that promotes greater strength. Among forgings, there are several
different materials used to make cranks. A production forging is made of 1045 carbon steel, which has a tensile strength of
105,000 pounds (the same as Scat’s 9000 Series cast crank). The next step up the ladder is 5140 steel, which has a strength
of 115,000 pounds, and 4130 with 120,000 pounds tensile strength. The strongest forging is 4340, which has a strength of
140,000 pounds. The biggest differences in these types of metal is the grain structure, (which is what holds the material
together), the heat-treating process, and the actual mixture of the elements. For instance, 4130 and 4340 steel have more
chrome and nickel in them, which increases strength.
Crankshaft durability is measured in tensile strength and fatigue strength. Tensile strength is measure when a 1-inch-round
piece of the metal is put into a fixture that tries to pull it apart. The force required to break the metal sample is the tensile
strength. Fatigue strength can be best described by thinking of a piece of tin. You can bend it back and forth for aw h i l e , but it
will eventually break. The crank goes through the same type of bending and twisting, from cylinder pressures, v i b r a t i o n , b l o c k
d i s t o rt i o n , h i g h - rpm clutch launches and stuff like that. As tensile strength goes up, so does fatigue strength.


IT is the shape of my turbo manifold later . This is called log type manifold . It is a good and cheap turbo manifold that can get if compare to turbular type turbo manifold . Since running low boost , this type of manifold is good to use .

I almost forget to introduce my electrical supercharger or E-turbo that has installed for year . Since i going to bolt on turbo , i going to let go this stuff at Rm1800 (included installation ) . Prefer campro owner as buyer , if other car model also welcome but need to spend extra for piping . Welcome to drop message at shoutbox if you have inquiry . Above is the images of the machine .

Campro crankshaft broken issue

This is very hot issue now . This case has involved 6 cars total . Their campro reported can not start and then change crank sensor , but still fail to start . Once the oil sump removed , metal pieces everywhere inside the oil sump . Look at the crankshaft , found crack mark at the 4th crank weight balancer which near to flywheel . Some of them encounter even serious , whole crankshaft break into 2 pieces . Pls have a look at picture above .

Got a friend of mine who is working as mechanic in northern garage penang . Once he has seen the picture , he says he has handle numerous this type of case . Mostly he got turbo and NA machine that facing this problem . He says the impact of energy shock is the main root cause to twist the crankshaft until break apart . Normally will happen on those drag machine , because initial load is very huge impact for crankshaft take during launching time . Especially launching with maintain certain rpm , This will create very great impact and very high tendency to break the crankshaft . It might hurt the crankshaft and slowly crack day by day .

As i know those reported crankshaft broken campro machines are dragster . Hope that i am wrong about this :P :P . If normal driving , chance to break the crankshaft seem like very minimum . Anyway this case still need to blame proton doesn't use better material for the crankshaft . A 110 whp campro engine is far away to compare with turbo engine can easily to break their crankshaft . Unfortunately a 110 whp campro engine can break the crankshaft . :(
If you want to buy campro or campro cps for drag activity , you better stay away from do that . Use it as normal vehicle from A to B is fine .

Turbo a NA engine

To build a turbo engine is cost for car maker . A turbo car uses to sell double the price of a NA ( natural aspirated ) car . NA engine is far more easy to build and maintain , but the output power and performance way far poor than a turbo engine .
Especially for youngster and some others whom performance minder , NA engine output power is under their expectation . Even they got the honda v-tec B16A type R , they still want to bolt on turbo . They can't find any excitement or wooh from that honda popular v-tec or screaming engine . Nowadays market full with engine which build to last and fuel save . Everybody struggling with petrol price hike . Everybody looking for fuel save , but then they also demand good performance from fuel save machine which is NA engine . That is never happen . In the end , they can't stand with poor performance of their so called " fuel save " machine . They looking for workshop that able to help them to boost some power of their " fuel save " machine . Come to workshop , mechanic will alway say you want immediate power and bolt on turbo is the choice . When the mechanic quote them price of turbo kit , they will faint with the figure . For bolt on turbo , easily touch RM7000 . Woh that figure is really make them to die heart and never think about immediate power again . In fact they never think , they have spent on those small upgrade nearly touch rm5000 - rm6000 in many months ago . They still can't get the expected performance . In the end , they give up to modify their " fuel save" machine and let it be .

If you want your fuel save machine or NA engine to boost more power , pls save more to bolt on a turbo . The price that you pay is far more worth it than you spend on those look cheap and not really improve performance . Although offered price of a turbo kit is 4 figure , it can satisfy you .

Next we will take about how to turbocharge a natural aspirated engine .