Even if the engine is up to the task, severe damage can occur if a
problem occurs in the fuel system; an engine running with nitrous oxide
depends heavily on the proper air to fuel ratio to prevent detonation
from occurring. For example, if the engine's fuel supply were to be
reduced, this would cause the engine to run lean by whatever degree the
fuel delivery was reduced, which can lead to engine knock or detonation.
Depending on the engine, this may only need to occur for a matter of
seconds before major damage occurs.
It is essential not to reach a fuel cut rev limit as this will also
momentarily restrict the fuel flow to the engine and as nitrous is still
being injected into the engine without the additional fuel the engine
will again run lean and cause detonation.

Some mechanism to disable the nitrous system when knock is detected
by a knock sensor would be beneficial. Ignition timing must also be
watched closely when using nitrous oxide. It is said that, on a large
car engine, for every 50 horsepower of nitrous used, the ignition timing
must be retarded by two degrees.[citation needed]
This is recommended for any stock type application. It is also
recommended that high octane fuel (92 octane minimum) be used to avoid
Good optimisation of enrichment fuel is essential otherwise the fuel
can 'drop out' and puddle in the intake tract, potentially causing a
backfire. With a properly designed nitrous injector and correct
placement of the nozzle (not too far from the intake entry point and
away from any abrupt bends and restrictions in the intake tract)
backfires can be avoided.