
Bolt on turbo part II

Part II will talk more about PCV . Got a friend of mine who is a tuner as well . He is complaining other workshop who just know to bolt on turbo but don't know to do proper PCV system . For NA engine , some car maker did had PCV system with valve but some will don't PVC system will valve. What is PCV valve ? Why it so important for bolt on turbo ?

Positive Crankcase Ventilation System (PCV)

The positive crankcase ventilation system exists to relieve positive air pressure from the crankcase. Pressure in the crankcase is created by piston ring blow by and by the up and down motion of the pistons (just as the piston seals the top of the combustion chamber it seals the bottom of the cylinder, pulling air in on the compression and exhaust stroke, pushing air on the intake and power stroke). In order to relieve this pressure, a vacuum pressure sucks the pressure out of the crankcase through the PCV system. If the pressure is not vented piston ring and piston ring land damage can occur from the rings being jostled around as the piston is drawn down towards the
crankcase, fighting against the pressure. In a turbo application this system must be modified or it will not work. Before figuring out how to modify the system it is a good idea to see how the stock system works. Below is a diagram of the stock PCV system:
As you can see the system begins in the intake pipe where air enters a hose that is attached to a barbed fitting on the valve cover. It is important to realize that the fitting on the valve cover is the PCV system inlet, air goes into the valve cover here. The air flows down through the head and into the crankcase. Once in the crankcase the air will pick up oil vapor from the oil being slung around at high velocity by the rotating assembly. The air then flows through the 'breather chamber' which is the black box you see on the back of the block under the intake manifold. The breather chamber has baffling in it that separates out some of the oil vapor and allows it to drain back into the crankcase. A hose connects the breather chamber to the PCV valve. The PCV valve is a one way valve that is open when a vacuum pressure is applied to the top of the valve. The PCV valve is connected to the intake manifold with a hose. The intake manifold exerts a vacuum pressure on the entire system. The PCV system is a closed vacuum circuit with pressure being exerted on one end and vacuum
on the other. This allows any positive pressure in the crankcase to be vented.

The problem when a turbocharger is added is that the intake pipe and intake manifold become pressurized. If the fitting on the valve cover is still connected to the pressurized intake pipe it will pressurize the crankcase too. At the same time, the PCV valve will close when pressure is exerted on the top half of the valve, sealing the crankcase. If no modifications are made to the system a pressurized and sealed crankcase will occur when the boost kicks in, this is the worst possible time to have a sealed and pressurized crankcase.

Above is an example for PCV system . For Cam tak pro ( CAMPRO ) , No valve available . Proton uses to have the driver side breather hole into extreme small size , so the air won't go too fast and effect idling speed stability . Once bolt on turbo , PCV valve needed at driver size breather . This valve will block all air flow if no vacuum ( Negative pressure ) present or positive pressure present . Another place is petrol tank ventilation valve . Campro got a petrol tank ventilation valve plug at throttle body . This valve uses to work all time once engine running . So pcv valve also needed there , to prevent boost leak to petrol tank . This has been practiced when i had installed e-turbo last time .

Strengthen cast iron crankshaft - shot peening

Shot peening is a cold working process in which the surface of a part is bombarded with small spherical media called shot. Each piece of shot striking the material acts as a tiny peening hammer, imparting to the surface a small indentation or dimple. In order for the dimple to be created, the surface fibres of the material must be yielded in tension. Below the surface, the fibres try to restore the surface to its original shape, thereby producing below the dimple, a hemisphere of cold-worked material highly stressed in compression. Overlapping dimples develop an even layer of metal in residual compressive stress. It is well known that cracks will not initiate or propagate in a compressively stressed zone. Since nearly all fatigue and stress corrosion failures originate at the surface of a part, compressive stresses induced by shot peening provide considerable increases in part life. The maximum compressive residual stress produced at or under the surface of a part by shot peening is at least as great as half the yield strength of the material being peened. Many materials will also increase in surface hardness due to the cold working effect of shot peening.
Benefits obtained by shot peening are the result of the effect of the compressive stress and the cold working induced. Compressive stresses are beneficial in increasing resistance to fatigue failures, corrosion fatigue, stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen assisted cracking, fretting, galling and erosion caused by cavitation. Benefits obtained due to cold working include work hardening, intergranular corrosion resistance, surface texturing, closing of porosity and testing the bond of coatings. Both compressive stresses and cold working effects are used in the application of shot peening in forming metal parts.

Today, Shot Peening involves bombarding a material with small spherical media called shot. Each piece of shot is the modern day version of the hammer/ stone used in the past. As the Shot Peening is performed, the atoms on the surface of the metal become crowded and try to restore the metal's original shape by pushing outward. This pulls, towards the surface, the atoms in the deeper layers, which resist the outward pull, thereby creating internal tensile stress that keeps the part in equilibrium with the compressive stress on the surface. The tensile stresses, resulting from Shot Peening, deep in the part are not as problematic as tensile stresses on the surface because cracks are less likely to start on the interior..

Is it wise to send campro crankshaft for this kind of surface treatment ? All is about cost effective or not . Going to check price for this kind of service. Will update at here once got the answer from the service body

Turbo my proton 1.6liter " cam tak pro " [ CAMPRO]

Below is my turbocharger unit ....

1) start to fabricate log type turbo manifold . After the project go smooth will switch to turbular type header . Estimate rm600
2) Source for oil feed fitting and oil drain fitting Rm100 . Steel braided hose as well .. Expensive item ... 2 hoses cost Rm200
3) If want to run water cooling , need another 2 steel braided hose Rm150 again
4) Will use evo silent blow off ( free )
5) all boost piping and intercooler ( will mount behind right side bumper ) estimated Rm500
6) run 2 x 250 cc extra injectors . rm100
7) fuel line for extra injector rm100
8) need to add one more unichip turbo module rm450
9) silicone hose reducer rm60 , 4 x 2.5" rm250 . clip x 10 .... rm50
10) down pipe rm60
11) unichip Rm2199
12) Gt2510 turbo Rm1800 ( new ) .

initial target boost 0.4 bars If everything goes well , will go 0.5 bars with double metal gasket.

all is money .. pengsan

Will update stage by stage .. start with turbo manifold first . Turbo manifold will complete by next month .

nitrous oxide systems

As with all modifications to increase power, the use of nitrous oxide carries with it concerns about the reliability and longevity of an engine. Due to the greatly increased cylinder pressures, the engine as a whole is placed under greater stress, especially the parts involved with the combustion chamber. An engine with components not able to cope with the increased stress imposed by the use of nitrous systems can experience major engine damage, such as cracked or destroyed pistons, connecting rods, or crankshafts.
Even if the engine is up to the task, severe damage can occur if a problem occurs in the fuel system; an engine running with nitrous oxide depends heavily on the proper air to fuel ratio to prevent detonation from occurring. For example, if the engine's fuel supply were to be reduced, this would cause the engine to run lean by whatever degree the fuel delivery was reduced, which can lead to engine knock or detonation. Depending on the engine, this may only need to occur for a matter of seconds before major damage occurs.
It is essential not to reach a fuel cut rev limit as this will also momentarily restrict the fuel flow to the engine and as nitrous is still being injected into the engine without the additional fuel the engine will again run lean and cause detonation.
Some mechanism to disable the nitrous system when knock is detected by a knock sensor would be beneficial. Ignition timing must also be watched closely when using nitrous oxide. It is said that, on a large car engine, for every 50 horsepower of nitrous used, the ignition timing must be retarded by two degrees.[citation needed] This is recommended for any stock type application. It is also recommended that high octane fuel (92 octane minimum) be used to avoid detonation.
Good optimisation of enrichment fuel is essential otherwise the fuel can 'drop out' and puddle in the intake tract, potentially causing a backfire. With a properly designed nitrous injector and correct placement of the nozzle (not too far from the intake entry point and away from any abrupt bends and restrictions in the intake tract) backfires can be avoided.

Cars with nitrous-equipped engines can be identified by the "purge" of the delivery system that most drivers perform prior to reaching the starting line. A separate electrically operated valve is used to release air and gaseous nitrous oxide trapped in the delivery system. This brings liquid nitrous oxide all the way up through the plumbing from the storage tank to the solenoid valve or valves that will release it into the engine's intake tract. When the purge system is activated, one or more plumes of nitrous oxide will be visible for a moment as the liquid flashes to vapor as it is released. The purpose of a nitrous purge is to ensure that the correct amount of nitrous oxide is delivered the moment the system is activated as nitrous and fuel jets are sized to produce correct air / fuel ratios, and as liquid nitrous is denser than gaseous nitrous, any nitrous vapor in the lines will cause the car to "bog" for an instant (as the ratio of nitrous / fuel will be too rich) until liquid nitrous oxide reaches the intake.

air suspension

Air suspension with adjustable stiffness and ride height

Air suspension with adjustable stiffness and ride height is set to off-road vehicles or vehicles business class and is used to create additional comfort when driving.

Air suspension will reduce the ride height depending on the speed, and the center of gravity down and significantly increased exchange rate stability. The driver can choose from several levels of clearance.

The pressure in the strut is created by a separate compressor. All elements are combined with plastic ducts and the air flow is regulated by solenoid valves. The data from four sensors located on the axes, and three acceleration sensors mounted on the body, the control unit receives an adaptive air suspension. Thus, the computer in a few milliseconds gives the command to reconfigure each shock absorber, suspension depends on road.

Damping force is adjusted automatically. Under a heavy load in the harness supplied additional air that is discharged with decreasing load. In addition, the adaptive air suspension provides auto adjusting the ground clearance. In this case, the clearance of the car, regardless of the load remains within the specified values.

Infinitely variable rigidity air suspension is designed to provide a high level of comfort thanks to the computer control of the testimony of the various types of sensors.

While there is no need for tougher the suspension, for example, in high-speed driving on the road with good pavement, suspension remains comfortably soft. Changing the damping of each wheel individually reduces the risk of body movements, which could affect passenger comfort.

In cornering, or when driving off adaptive suspension automatically reduces the buildup of body and pecks.

The principle of operation of air suspension vehicle.
Characteristics of suspension affects many operational qualities of the car: ride, comfort, driving stability, durability, as the machine itself, and a number of its parts and components. In heavy traffic conditions, it is possible the suspension, not the engine power, determine the average and maximum speed.
Experience in operating commercial vehicles shows that the rough roads average speed drops to 35-40%, fuel consumption increases by 50-70%, turnaround decreases by 35-40%. The productivity of vehicles is reduced by 32-36%, and the cost of transport increased by 50-60%. Add to that the loss caused by overspending metal, fuel, rubber, and the incremental cost of labor. To reduce these losses can or improve roads, which is expensive, or improve the car's suspension, which is even more expensive, but in terms of thousands of cars is cheaper.

All the same road with a smooth surface impose the suspension is very strict. After all, speed is constantly increasing, and the requirements for handling and stability of automobiles and trains harder. Placing three-section pnevmoelement.

 in equalizing rear axle car Tatra-815

Analysis of the design of the car shows that the weighting of the vehicle determined by the ratio of the payload to the weight of itself, is constantly growing. The desire for minimum curb weight, increase the weight coefficient of the vehicle and wearing comfort leads to the fact that the suspension with steel springs not
always able to fit into the requirements for them. In many cases, the suspension should:

- The maximum smoothness without significant mutual displacements sprung and unsprung parts of the car;

- The minimum clearance between the body (chassis) and axles;

- Constant height of a step or floor level when the load changes.

If the linear characteristics of the traditional elastic elements can not achieve acceptable natural frequency equal to 90-120 min-1, forcing designers to contact with non-linear elastic elements, progressive characteristic: Pneumatic and hydro-pneumatic, has a number of advantages.

First, these elastic elements have more energy in the main working range and large deflections, and hence, reducing the amplitude of the oscillations, reducing the amount of energy absorbed shocks, facilitate adjustment. In the suspensions with steel elastic elements and performance density is achieved only through a strong design complexity.

The second advantage - the ease of automatic control and dynamic stiffness of the suspension in accordance with the load, which allows you to get a great ride and improve the performance of the other. For the same size Suspension allows you to have a high degree of commonality for different duty vehicles with a significant difference in the magnitude of the sprung mass. This is the third advantage. Fourth, pnevmoelementy have extremely long life, unattainable for steel elastic elements. Such as cylinders buses GMC nursed to 1 million miles.

Permanent position of the body facilitates ensuring the correct kinematic suspension and steering actuator lowers the center of gravity of the car and, therefore, increase its stability. At any load provided proper position lights for safer night driving. It - five. Sixth, to improve vehicle stability when braking on air suspension often given another function: just adjust the braking forces at the wheels depending on the load changes on them.

Modern suspension (cargo) of the vehicle consists of three main components:
1. Elastic elements, which receive dynamic loads between the body or frame vehicle and road.
2. Elements, absorbing vibration suspension.
3. Node is responsible for stabilizing the vehicle relative to the plane of the road.

At this point in trucks, a variety of vehicle suspension design and engineering of the elastic elements. First of all, it yourself car tires, which efficiently absorb minor road irregularities. The larger wheels and lower the pressure in it, the greater the obstacle car crossed without much impact on the load frame. Heavy dump trucks with their huge wheels do without additional suspension components, as their tires effectively dampen road roughness. Slow wheel tractors and machinery in the form of an elastic element content with only air in the tires.

Second in age and frequency of use in modern technology elastic elements are springs. They come in different model, have a different production technology, but they are the most massively used in modern trucks, and they can be seen as a long-haul tractor, and on construction equipment, urban retail delivery vehicles, military trucks and racing. If previously installed on trucks thick packets korotkolistovyh springs, on modern machines have significantly reduced the number of springs, up to one-on some models, and the length increased, which improved the ride and reduced structural weight. If European manufacturers prefer long spring, their colleagues in the U.S. soon. Therefore trucks with the North American continent tougher on the go.

Air suspension widespread in Europe and the U.S. was 30-40 years ago. Its main advantage over the spring in the lower weight, it supplies more cheaply, and the truck has a better ride. Factory price of the truck with air suspension is higher than the machine with a spring, but the replacement pads in operation for less than the whole spring. In addition, trucks with air suspension smaller break asphalt roads, so most long-haul trucks are equipped with bellows. Disadvantage of this suspension is that it requires additional air valves and tubes and more powerful air compressor. This system is afraid of water and the mud, so the construction techniques used cup spring suspension. However, there is the Dutch manufacturer of heavy construction equipment and Terberg Ginaf, which are actively used air suspension of his own design for trucks.

Air bags do not have a rigid connection to the frame of the truck, and that the bridge does not "walk" in the design of the vehicle suspension used longitudinal and transverse thrust. This also complicates and increases the cost of construction.

Air Suspension

In the case of schemes chetyrehballonnoy suspension bridge but two (usually) longitudinal jet transverse rods requires (usually V-shaped) of thrust. If the manufacturer sets the bridge two air bags, the suspension design used trailing (properly called the jet thrust). Rigidity is increased, then the transverse rod put one or even without it. That silent blocks and bushes jet rods require attention and periodic maintenance and replacement. roads at normal thrust nursed 250-350 thousand miles. In our case, they are unlikely to last for more than 200 thousand kilometers. If you yawn when replacement thrust, you can "get" for the repair of frogs, of course, if the time before power does not coincide with the axis of the road train of broken bushes, not deploy your truck across the road on the ice.
It should be noted that today's manufacturers of trucks widely used combinations suspension, consisting of springs and pnevmoelementov.

In North America for construction equipment commonly used rubber-cast pads as an elastic element. Such a suspension spring is much easier, and it does not have the disadvantages of air suspension. Price rubber suspension is not very different from the spring. But it is quite tough, and without air suspension driver's seat can not do. Unfortunately, this type of suspension is almost common.

Torsion bars are used primarily for military applications. True, the famous brand Tatra trucks in some building models are widely used torsion bars, both independently and in combination with bellows. By light delivery truck Japanese and Korean manufacturers front independent suspension sometimes made on the torque.

The springs are used primarily for off-road all-wheel drive cars with independent wheel suspension. In the German Army enough trucks MAN, with 6x6 and independent spring suspension on all wheels.

In order to extinguish the buildup of the truck used in the design of the car shock absorbers. They can be either single or double action. At the moment, shock absorbers, usually hydraulic. On European motorways and European climate shocks "live" 300-400 thousand miles. On our roads increases the load on the suspension several times. well and frost can "kill" the shock absorbers and 10 thousand kilometers: they flow, are broken or torn rubber grommets "ears."

Sport trucks, special purpose vehicles and military vehicles are equipped with hydropneumatic struts. This is not a new invention, as in military vehicles are used for a long time. But only recently started using these racks and the civil engineering.

Hydropneumatic front are kind of active dampers effectively perceive the increased loads and large amplitude oscillations quenching. They can change their stiffness and other characteristics depending on the application. They are used, usually in trucks with leaf spring suspension. Such machines with the suspension kept jumping and flying tens of meters without affecting the truck. the potential of such a great suspension at various rally raids and demonstrations of military equipment.

Last two years, special vehicles and not only on him began to install a new generation of hydro-pneumatic rack. Now they not only act as shock absorbers, but also the role of the elastic element. Truck with a rack requires neither springs nor springs or torsion bars. It's great to facilitate construction. The characteristics of such hydropneumatic struts can change from the cab, varying clearance, stiffness, suspension travel, and even tilt the car to the left and right or forward and backward. These racks fit well in the design of the vehicle with independent wheel suspension, and this rover is not facing diagonal display wheels in difficult road conditions. Hydropneumatic front of the new generation is installed in their equipment vendors such as Ginaf and Terberg. While timid these racks offer manufacturers of trailers on the suspension trailers. Most likely, this design will be further spread and more widely used.

car engine


Many people at some point will have had the opportunity to see the outside of gasoline engine (also called "internal combustion engine" or "internal combustion"), but it is likely that many of these people also unaware of its internal .

When we decided to get a license to drive a car or any other motor vehicle, in some countries require a test or exam answer where, precisely, are some questions related to the working principle of thermal engines of internal combustion either gasoline or diesel.

Petrol engine car or modern automobile.

However, as a mere curiosity, maybe you'll have interested in knowing how a gasoline engine and what parts and pieces that make it up, but between your shorter-term projects is not precisely obtain a license conduction.

A gasoline engine is a thermodynamic machine comprises a set of mechanisms or parts fixed and movable, whose main function is to transform the chemical energy produced by combustion provides a mixture of air and fuel into mechanical energy or motion. When this transformation occurs chemical into mechanical energy can do useful work, for example, move a motor vehicle as a car or a car, or any other mechanism, as it might be an electrical generator.

Similarly, with the mechanical energy that provides a heat engine can move any other appropriate mechanism that engages the same such as an electrical generator, water pump, the blade of a lawnmower, etc.

Small gasoline engine mated to a lawn mower.

In general the internal combustion engines can be of two types, according to the fuel used to run:

    Explosion or gasoline

    Internal combustion diesel

While combustion engines using gasoline (or gas, or even alcohol) as fuel, the diesel internal combustion uses only diesel (diesel).

If you ever compare parts or mechanisms that shape structurally a gasoline engine and a diesel engine, we will see that in many respects are similar, while others are completely different, although in both cases the principle is similar.

Both petrol engines as diesels can be used to perform the same functions, but when it needs to develop great powers, as required to move a locomotive, a ship or an electrical generator generation large capacity are used only diesel internal combustion engines.