
EGR VALVE/Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Fixes

Exhaust Gas Recirculation, (EGR) valves will cause many problems and are overlooked by most auto mechanics and auto repair shops. If you are experiencing a very bad miss on acceleration its possible your EGR valve is either leaking or it is stuck open. The problems that can arise are the gasket could be leaking, the egr valve pintle could be stuck open, you could be loseing your vacum source to open up the valve and your valve could be carboned up.

The first thing you would want to do to see if it is leaking is to use a propane bottle and point it at the base of the valve and if you see a idle increase that means you have a leak. If your EGR valve pintle is stuck open it will cause a massive vacum leak internally and you will need to replace the valve. While you have the EGR valve off start the engine up and hit the throttle a few times to clean out the ports and passage ways. Be careful while performing this cleaning process as it will be very loud and maybe even throw some sparks.

Most Egr valves today are controlled electronicaly by your onboard computer rather than useing a vacum hose to open it up. when replacing your EGR valve clean the surface and make sure to tighten down evenly so that you will not creat a leak.

tags: egr valve, auto repair savings, problems, fix egr valve