
Midwest Title Loans WILL Reposess Your Car or Truck Title!

Midwest title Loans located in Saint Joseph Missouri WILL repossess your car or truck title! Take it from someone who has experienced this nightmare when I was traveling with my 7 year old son. I don't know how to stress this enough other than putting this out on my blog. Not only will Midwest Title Loans repossess your car or truck title but they will as fast as they can damage your credit by putting a repossession on your record so that you can not buy another vehicle. I understand there is no way to get my vehicle back now but If I can Stop just one customer from falling into their trap I feel I have done my job. If I can remember right I believe their names were Lillie and a Wanda who talked me into taking out a loan which I could not afford. I first asked for a few hundred dollars to get caught up on some rent and bills and then this is when they replied, "Are You Sure That is Going to be Enough" They got me! Like a fool I said ok throw in a few hundred dollars more. That is when I learned that Midwest Title Loans will repossess your car or truck title and put it up on their auction block.
Midwest Title Loans

Your probably saying all you had to do was to just say No. Its not really that simple when money is being thrown at you in that fashion. But of course they are trained to do this type of upsell to line their own pockets having no regards for the public. Then again I fell for one of their, "30-days Free Interest' Specials. I knew I could pay the $300 back with no problem but the added upsell for another $300 I was Not prepared for. I will admit though my 2000 Chevy Blazer was in tip top condition with 170,000 miles on it. Not one oil leak anywhere. Of course it was all tuned up with new o2 sensors and I just installed a new front wheel bearing which was a pain. I kinda miss the old Blazer and am a little teed off loosing it in that fashion. So I guess the bottom line here is, Midwest Title Loans will repossess your car or truck title and leave you stranded like they did me. If I was to do this all over again I would of went to the other guys there on the Belt Highway in saint Joe Missouri. If you are already doing business with them remember you can still go to the other guys and get a better interest rate and have them buy your car or truck title from Midwest Title Loans and still save over 50%!!!!

tags: midwest title loans, saint joseph, missouri, reposess, car or truck, title

Midwest Title Loans-When Car Title Loan Places Go Bad-Midwest Title Loans

Midwest Title Loans
Can you imagine the kind of profits Midwest Title Loans make at the end of the day? Not only can they charge you over 300% interest rates and get away with it, they also get to Reposes a couple vehicles for their auction block. You would have to have a very cold heart to work there in my opinion. Midwest Title Loans profits off the very poor and old who are not able to get loans anywhere else. So when car title loan places go bad like Midwest Title Loans, someone somewhere is going to have their car repossessed by the end of the day. I wonder what they do with all that money being made from the high interest rates and repossession of your cars or trucks. You would think making that kind of money day after day their office should look a little more professional. I remember reading an article which made me chuckle once titled, ‘when auto mechanics go bad.” Well that is why I am writing this one titled, “When Car Title Loan Places Go Bad.”

Possible Repossession for MWTL
Midwest Title Loans located in Saint Joseph Missouri at 603 S. Belt Hwy. will reposes your car or truck and not think twice about it. My family and I was stalked and followed through 3 counties and 2 states before they made their move on our car. The extra sets of keys you give them are used just for that purpose. It is my understanding that Missouri law states Midwest Title Loans was supposed to let me know repossession was eminent. I was never notified. The law also states Midwest title loans was supposed to let me know when and where my vehicle was being auctioned off and how much it was sold for. I was never notified. Midwest title Loans is supposed to let me know if there was a profit from my vehicle being sold and send me the difference from the $300 I owed them. I haven’t heard a thing from them. This is what happens when a car title loan place goes bad.

I saw a Television commercial saying they charge 50% less than other car title loan places like Midwest Title Loans. So I will tell you folks before you think about doing business with Midwest Title Loans in St. Joe Missouri shop around and save thousands of dollars in interest and the possibility of having your car or truck repossessed. This could happen to you when a car title loan place goes bad.

Tags: Midwest title loans, gone bad, saint joseph, Missouri, repossession, interest rates,

Midwest Title Loans Will Repossess Your Car or Truck /603 S Belt Hwy, Saint Joseph, MO 64507

Midwest Title Loans Repo
In today’s economy people are having a hard time making it. If you took out a car title loan from Midwest title loans in Saint Joseph, (603 S. Belt Hwy 64507) and then you come across another unexpected emergency you can bet your bottom dollar Midwest Title Loans will have their Repo guys come after your car. I was reading an article the on the Inter net where a consumer took out a loan for $2,00 and made a payment of $1,00.00 then come to find out only $.36 was applied to her loan. People like Midwest Title Loans in St. Joe are quick to repossess your car or truck. Some good news is there are places like some check cashing places there in Saint Joseph Missouri that will BUY your title loans back from Midwest and you can start paying them back with smaller interest rates. In case you do not know what place I am referring to they are called Midwest Title Loans 603 S. Belt Hwy 64507.

As I stated earlier article I wrote on my blog, “Auto Repair Savings and my special Links” My 2000 Chevy was repossessed and placed on their auction block just because I missed a couple payments. I then had an emergency arise where I could not make a payment. A friend of mine told me that now the word Repossession is listed on my credit report where as I am now unable to get another vehicle for my 8 year old son and I. I did forget to mention I am Disabled and having to walk my son to the bus stop every morning. So if you love your car or truck do not take out a car title loan with Midwest Title Loans out of St. joseph Missouri. My loan I had left to get my title back was only $300 and at the time of repossession the interest rates on it jumped up to over $1,400.00. My advice is to not to do any business with Midwest Title Loans out of St. Joseph Missouri.

Midwest Title Loans Repo Services

Midwest Title Loans gave me 10 days to come up with $1,400.00 or their exact words were, “it will be going on our auction Block.” Where could I get $1,400.00 in 10 days? This is the biggest scam I have seen in a long time. They still have my cane I need to walk around with and they refuse to give it back to me. Disabled or not Midwest Title Loans do not care. My 7 year old son cried when we discovered our vehicle had been repossessed by Midwest Title Loans. I found another article where a classaction lawsuit is going on in the state of Missouri addressing these high interest rates. So please go to the other guys there in St. joseph on the Belt Hwy. if you really need a car title loan. I promise you will be treated with more respect then Midwest Title Loans.  –The autodude- Diagnose Car Misfires

Tags: Midwest title loans, repossession, saint Joseph Missouri, auction block,

Tune-Up Tips- When to Get Your Truck or Car Tuned up/Spark plugs etc.

When to get your car or truck tuned up is not a very hard question if you look at a few things. The first thing you can do to find out if your car needs a tune-up which is the easiest thing here is to pull a spark plug out and examine it. After 20-30 thousand miles the center electrode will begin to wear down forming an increased gap and begin to round off. At this time if you determine that a car or truck tune-up is needed, remove the rest of the spark plugs and replace them with new ones.

Auto Repair Savings
Examine each spark plug as you remove them and look for signs of a black shiny substance on them. If you find one then this tells you that you are leaking oil into that cylinder from either your piston rings or your valve guide seals. A white chalky appearance would let you know that your engine is burning on the lean side which is good. Now on the other hand if you noticed a black carbon appearance this means your engine is running rich which is a bad thing and you need to have your car or truck looked at by an engine performance expert hopefully ASE certified. Here are a few more ways you can tell if you need a tune-up on your vehicle.

1.      If your car or truck has over 30,000 miles on it.

2.      Your “check engine” or “service engine soon” light comes on.

3.      You just purchased a used car and you want to keep track of your vehicle maintenance schedules.

4.      If you noticed that under a load such as driving up a hill and you feel the engine cutting out, you need a tune-up.

5.      Planning a road trip and you want to make sure that your car or truck is going to make it to your destination ok.

Important Reminders: Car and truck tune-ups can be classified in 2 categories. You either need a minor tune-up or a major tune-up depending on the mileage on your vehicle. I will discuss the difference in my next article. Most of the newer cars and trucks built today require the use of platinum plugs which auto makers claim should last you up to 100,000 miles before needing to be changed out. My experience tells me that this just isn’t true. For more auto repair savings and tips please visit my blog at, “Auto RepairSavings And my Special Links.” Happy driving!

Tags: car and truck, tune-up, spark plugs, vehicle, mileage

Car Title Loans/ Midwest Title Loans Saint Joseph, Missouri/ 603 S. Belt 64507

Car Title Loans/ Midwest Title Loans Saint Joseph, Missouri/ 603 S. Belt 64507

Have you ever wondered how the car title loans work and could you lose your car, truck, or vehicle to places like Midwest Title Loans of St. Joseph Missouri? Well the answer to this is YES you can lose your car to these individuals who call themselves business people. Midwest Title Loans reap the benefits of sometimes over 300% interest rates and when for some reason you can’t make a payment, Midwest Title Loans and places like them will reposes your vehicle when you least expect it. Your best bet is to shop around first to find the best interest rates available and ask questions like when will they reposes your car or truck. Car title loans should be your last resort! And as far as choosing a place to get your loan from, Midwest Title Loans in St. Joe Missouri should never be an option to do business with.

Midwest Title Loans
 Unfortunately I had fallen prey to this car title loan shop in St. Joseph Missouri. I had no idea Midwest Title Loans would move so swiftly and pounce on my 7 year old son and me to repose our car. We were followed from our home in Kansas through 4 counties then into Nebraska before they saw an opportunity to use the extra key I supplied them and take our vehicle from us within minutes. The police were called only to find out Midwest Title Loans informed them they were a bank and will be repossessing our car. I immediately called Midwest Title Loans and offered to put our rent on hold and use that to pay the $300 owed to fulfill our obligation to them. Midwest Title Loans informed me that the total due now was $1,200.00, and had to be paid NOW or our vehicle will be put on their auction block.

 Car title loan places like, Midwest Title Loans in Saint Joseph Missouri should be used with extreme caution! Although these places smile and encourage you to take out more money each time you return, do not do it. If you happen to fall prey to these con artists here is an idea you can do to protect yourself from being repossessed. Go to the other guys down the road and have them pay off your loan and start paying them instead with lower interest rates. Be prepared to lose your car or truck even if you are current with your payments. What I mean is, for some unknown emergency down the road you cannot make a payment, know that your vehicle will be taken from you and placed on their auction block. Good luck!
labels: midwest title loans, saint joseph, missouri, car title loans, 64507 belt,

EGR VALVE/Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Fixes

Exhaust Gas Recirculation, (EGR) valves will cause many problems and are overlooked by most auto mechanics and auto repair shops. If you are experiencing a very bad miss on acceleration its possible your EGR valve is either leaking or it is stuck open. The problems that can arise are the gasket could be leaking, the egr valve pintle could be stuck open, you could be loseing your vacum source to open up the valve and your valve could be carboned up.

The first thing you would want to do to see if it is leaking is to use a propane bottle and point it at the base of the valve and if you see a idle increase that means you have a leak. If your EGR valve pintle is stuck open it will cause a massive vacum leak internally and you will need to replace the valve. While you have the EGR valve off start the engine up and hit the throttle a few times to clean out the ports and passage ways. Be careful while performing this cleaning process as it will be very loud and maybe even throw some sparks.

Most Egr valves today are controlled electronicaly by your onboard computer rather than useing a vacum hose to open it up. when replacing your EGR valve clean the surface and make sure to tighten down evenly so that you will not creat a leak.

tags: egr valve, auto repair savings, problems, fix egr valve

Mid West Title Loans in St. Joseph Missouri Thumbs Down Review

Ruining Family"s Lives
Being in the automotive business over 25 years I can not believe the way a so called Business called Midwest Title Loans located in St. Joseph Missouri operates within the law. Charging well over 300% interest on their car title loans. The worst part is, no matter how long you have been doing business them they will come and secretly steal your car after missing a few payments due to the economy. The smiles and greetings they give to you are just fake. As a matter of fact the smiles and greetings could be them laughing at your mistake of taking out a loan with them. I never thought of it that way. So as for Midwest Title Loans in St. Joseph Missouri the Autodude gives this so called business two thumbs down.

Midwest Title Loans St. Joe Mo.
I think its time for them to pull the plug on ruining peoples lives and charging this kind of interest. My review of them is from a real life drama that happened to me and my little boy having our vehicle repoed miles away from home. Why did they have to stalk and follow us visiting a relative in another state then pounce on us lke a wild animal to steal our car. Were they afraid to  greet us at our home before we left and bring up this debt? Midwest Title Loans in St. Joseph Missouri are possibly millionaires by now preying on the poor with these high 300% rates.

Repo Men?
What are your thoughts on this car title loan place in St. Joe? I feel the place is pretty shabby in appearence compared to the newer car title loan places springing up there in St. Joe. I am not sure but I think these Newer places may be even lower on their interest rates than Mid West Title Loans in St. Joe! I would not go there for a car title loan but would rather shop around there on the Belt Highway for a cleaner place with lower interest rates. If you decide to go to Midwest Title Loans in St. Joseph Missouri and god forgive you if you do, ask them at what point will they come take your car away from you and your family. So in short, the Autodude gives Midwest Title Loans in St. Joseph Missouri TWO THUMBS DOWN!

keywords: midwest title loans, st. joseph missouri, car title loans, review, repo men,

Midwest Title Loans-Say no to Car Title Loan Place in St. Joe Mo.

Do you live in or around St. Joseph Missouri and was thinking about a car title loan place to go to? The Autodude recommends that you stay away from Midwest Title Loans located at 603 S Belt Hwy in St. Joseph Missouri. (Phone: (816) 232-9100. My personal experience with them has been very bad and I should of went elsewhere’s where they show a lot more professionalism. There are other car title loan places to go to in St. Joe Missouri that will show you some courtesy that you deserve. If you love your car do not go to Midwest Title Loans.

Midwest Title Loans
My experience with them has been a nightmare. I can not believe how nice and kind they are to you when you take out a car title loan with them. I only owed them $300 and thought I would be ok by missing a couple payments due to the bad economy. Midwest Title Loans located in St. Joe Missouri had their repo men follow me through 4 counties and through 2 states then within minutes, I call it stole my vehicle, which I paid $8,000 cash for. I immediately called them and offered to pay the $300 owed but I was told that their interest rates went from $300 to $1,300 and demanded it all paid in full or they will put my vehicle on their auction block in 10 days!

My advice would be to go to another car title loan place and stay away as far as you can from Midwest Title Loans located on the south Belt Highway. (.603 S Belt Hwy) The other title loan places located there in St. Joseph Missouri looks more professional and cleaner. As a matter of fact I understand if you currently have a car title loan with Midwest Title Loans you can go to one of the more respectable places there and have them pay off your car title loan and get as far away from Midwest Title as you can. I have been a certified auto repair tech. for over 25 years and have never screwed a customer as bad as these people do every day at Midwest Title Loans charging over 300% interest rates and repo your car no matter where you are or who is with you like your children.

Repo Men Midwest Title Loans

In my future blog posts I will keep you updated on this car title loan place called Midwest Title Loans located in St. Joseph Missouri.


Keywords: Midwest title loans, st. joe Missouri, car title loans, repo men,

Automobile Brakes/Car Brakes/Vehicle Brakes/What You Should Know

Front brake Assembly
What you should know about your car and truck brakes may surprise you. Most vehicle brakes are run by a hydraulic system which under pressure will slow or stop your car. Below I will go over some points to remember when it comes to your car or truck brakes. Some people believe that all you have to do is drive the vehicle until you hear noises coming from your wheels. By that time it is to lste for a normal routine brake job you see advertised all over the place. Here are some brake tips you should know as you are out cruising around town.

Brake Pulsation:

Brake Inspection
Your automobile brakes have brake rotors in the front and most of the time you have brake drums on the rear of the vehicle. When your brake rotors and brake drums heat up you creat a hot spot which will cause these two components to over heat and expand. Some times you can have the brake rotors and brake drums machined cut to fix this brake pulsation problem or you can just have the brake rotors and brake drums replaced.

Brake Squeaking:
Seventy percent of your braking is coming from your front brakes while the remaining thirty percent is coming from the reaes. Your front brake pads are equipped with squealers to let you know to have them inspected right away before you start rubbing metal on metal. which can be quite costly. If you get them inspected right away all you may be looking at is just a brake pad replacement and resurfacing the rotors. If you choose to ignore the noise then plan on replacing the brake rotors, brake hardware, and possibly a brake caliper or two.
Heaed up Brakes

Use Your Parking Brake as Much as Possible:
Most drivers out there will ignore using their parking brake every time they park their vehicles. The parking brake Is designed to help adjust the front and rear brakes evenly. If you do not apply the parking brakes then your brake cables will rust and freeze up not allowing your brakes to be applied evenly.

ASE Brake Technician

Flush Out Your Brake Fluid:
Unflushed brake fluid will turn into sludge and will not perform its duties. The rubber parts, seals, et. will start to leak and will not give you the stopping power that you need. Brake fluid is not suppose to boil when it gets hot. Here are just a few pointers you can keep.

Keywords: brakes, front brakes, rear brakes, cars and trucks, vehicles, .

Midwest Title Loans located at 603 S Belt Hwy in St. Joseph Missouri. (Phone: (816) 232-9100 )

I suppose you are wondering why I am writing about Midwest Title Loans located in St. Joseph Missouri so much lately. Well I will explain to you in this post. Midwest Title Loans in my experience, wants you to default on your car title loans so they can threaten you to put your car or truck on the auction block and make some money. Here is what will happen to you or your loved one when you get behind on your payment even if it almost paid off.

First they will take your car or truck, yes the one you spent your hard earned money on. It dosent matter where you are. You could be shopping for food for your family or you could just be picking up your child from the baby sitters. If you catch them right away and try to call the police the local police will tell you the BANK has permission to Repo your car. If you call Mid West Title Loans in St. Joseph Missouri they will act like they are king of the world and DEMAND that you pay Half of the amount due but they will still keep your vehicle. Midwest Title Loans will tell you that you have ten days while they still keep your car. I offered to pay half if they brought my suv back. But they declined and said that my vehicle will be put on the auction block if the other half is not paid in 20 days.

It dosent matter if you have been doing business with them for a year or more they will be very eager to take your vehicle. Midwest Title Loans located at 603 S Belt Hwy in St. Joseph Missouri. (Phone: (816) 232-9100 )is a place too stay away from! The other guys there in St. Joseph have nicer offices, treat you very well, and some places have smaller interest rates. You can follow my advice or you can go to Midwest Title Loans and lose your car or truck. If you have already been a victim to them read my earlier posts for the attorneys handling class action lawsuits against Missouri Car and Truck Title Loan places. You can also read the news clipping there.

tags: midwest title loans, st. joseph missouri, repo men, car, truck, vehicle,

Vehicles And Spring Time 2012 is The Perfect Time For These Car And Truck Services

Is your car or truck acting sluggish after this winter in 2012? Chances are you are having either of these problems occurring. Or you could have more than one problem. I will explain here what I mean. Please pass this article to someone having these kind of problems.

Wet or Cracked Spark Plug Wires: Electrical spark will find its way to the closest path to a ground. Moisture is always a problem on just about anything. Im sure you all know this already. But wet or worn out spark plug wires will also foul out your plugs. So when you replace your spark plug cables you may have to also replace your sparkplugs. Sometimes after replacing your bad wires the engine will clean up your plugs for you.

Partially Plugged Catalytic Converter: I have seen a lot of times when a very hot exhaust system will hit the very cold water or slushy puddles and close off some of the back pressure. A clear exhaust system will show no restriction at a idle and read zero on a back pressure tester. Where as a partially plugged exhaust system will show two to three pounds.

A Dirty or Plugged Fuel Filter: I have noticed people seem to be a bit lazy when it comes to winter time car and truck maintenance. Most cars and trucks these days require at least 25 to 35 pounds of fuel pressure at an idle. A dirty or plugged fuel filter will drop these readings and cause a vehicle to run sluggish and some times very hard to start. If you let it go to long it could cause the fuel pump to overwork its self and cause early fuel pump failure.

Cracked Ignition Module or Coil Packs: Now this problem is similar to the spark plug wires mentioned above. Just like spark plug wires electrical voltage will find its closest path to a ground. The best way to have these problems fixed is to have an engine diagnostics perform by a engine performance expert and make sure he or she is a ASE certified technician in that field.

I hope these Spring time tips for your car or truck will help you get that zoom back in your ride! Make sure you find a reputable auto repair shop to perform these checks so they wont try to take your hard earned money. Its feels like a car title loan place sneaking up on you and stealing your ride. Happy Driving!
keywords: car and truck, 2012 spring, vehicle, spring mainttinance,

Midwest Title Loans Class Action/ Possible?/St. Joseph Missouri

I just read an interesting article on Missouri Title Loans class action lawsuit. If anyone is interested in a class action against Midwest Title Loans located in St. Joseph Missouri I would contact this law firm. I just cant believe the 300% interest these people get away with. charging the public and state law makers are dragging their feet shutting these places down..

I think the way my 7 year old son and I was stranded in Nebraska by the repo-men was not to professional . I called and offered to give the repo men $600 and I would pay the remaining balance with my SSD check on the 3rd. I was told they wanted it all. I will try to keep you updated on these Missouri Title Loan Places that rip you off like Midwest Title Loans in St. Joseph Missouri.

keywords:  midwest title loans, St. Joseph Missouri, Class Action news, repo-men

Saint Joseph Midwest Title Loans/Repo-Men/64507/Continued

I have had a lot of comments concerning my experience with St. Joseph’s Mid West Title loans located at 603 S Belt Hwy. They treat you real nice when you come in then right behind your back they steal your car and treat you like trash. I have been an auto mechanic for over 25 + years being ASE certified and have given many people time to pay their bill if an emergency came up. These were my best customers. We never once hid in the dark and waited for the right time to get our cars back as these repo men from Mid West Title Loans have done. My original loan was around $300 and after 2 months of missed payments shot up to $1,275.00! WTF lol Just wait till Mid west Title Loans does this to you or your family member and you will see what I mean.

The disabled part was they stole my cane and my ability to get my medications and to get to my Doctor appointments. I made friends in the car business over the last 25 years so getting another ride wont be a problem. But the word of mouth of how Midwest Title Loans of St. Joseph Missouri will screw you will pass around pretty fast. I understand other title loan companies will pay off your loan with Midwest title loans and you pay them is a great idea! I cant believe these Repo guys stalked me and my son through 3 states to get the car back! Lol These guys need to get a life. Disabled or not they will take your car in the middle of the night or while you are in the doctors office. They stole my cane!

Mid West Title Loans

Stay completely away from Midwest Title Loans located at 603 S Belt Hwy in St. Joseph Missouri. (Phone: (816) 232-9100 ) Lets hope our Missouri Law Makers will put an end to this nightmare with high interest rates. Or maybe even a class action lawsuit to get some of our money back. My 2000 Chevy Blazer is probly headed now to an auction block. But any monies made over what Midwest Title Loans in St. Joseph is owed had had better be sent back to me or they can deal with my attorney. I think I will start a new blog to help the thousands of people out there in Missouri and Kansas to provide them with help and advice on how to deal with these thief’s!!

Keywords: Midwest Title Loans, Saint Joseph Mo., Repo-Men, Thiefs, 603 S. Belt Hwy, 64507

New year upgrade

As we know , proton CFE i-campro is about to launch. CFE is charge fuel efficiency and also continuous variable valve timing featured at the intake cam shaft. I have a chance to explore the new CFE i-campro engine. Seems like the cam shaft opening duration is greater than previous campro . The obvious change is the intake port that you can see the port size so much larger than before . I can the divider is so shallow and almost as shallow as my current head which already ported and polished. Another great part is the intake valve size also bigger than before as well. Not much but good enough to increase the Volumetric efficiency ( cylinder fill each time piston trust down to BDC ) . Damn part is i need to have new intake manifold since the intake port was same as CPS .

Come to crankshaft . I can feel the crankshaft mass weight heavier than before but i no chance to weight and compare with the current one. The crankshaft obviously change , you can notice 6 screw holes on the flywheel attach side. So that is another damn part that i need to get new flywheel that 6 holes and able to drive by current starter gear.

While waiting for my CP piston to be arrived . I shall proceed to port and polish the head first .

More to update after January

Midwest Title Loans/St. Joseph Missouri 64507/A Disabled Man And His Son’s Story

Midwest Title Loans Repo
A good friend of mine who is also a very good father since his wife passed away a couple years ago told me this story which I will share with you since this has to do with transportation, cars and trucks. I could not believe what Midwest Title Loans located in St. Joseph Missouri done to him and his 7 year old son! My friend who I will call Eugene missed a couple of payments to Midwest Title Loans after being evicted from his home. Social Security was finishing up some mistakes thinking they over paid him. Anyways, as my friend Eugene and his 7 year old son stopped at a house in Falls City Nebraska to ask for directions someone from the Midwest Title Loans company told the Police they were from a Bank and took his car and speeded down the road. No notice was given to my friend and his son as they stood idled by thinking they were car jacked. The police was called and then and only then was they told the car had been repossessed. Midwest Title Loans was ashamed to tell the Police they were from a Car and Truck Title Loan Company located in St. Joseph Missouri.

My friend Eugene and his son was out in the cold leaving their coats, hat and gloves in the car. Midwest Title Loans did not have the decency to leave them warm outer wares. The phone number was given by the police to Eugene where this Title Place told them his balance WAS at $300 and NOW with 2 missed payments they now owe $1,200.00! Eugene and his son were at this point told they had 10 days to pay or their only transportation would be put up for Auction! I can not believe in this day and age Disabled people and children are treated in this manor. What happened to respecting the Disabled American? Midwest Title Loans in Saint Joseph Missouri treated these returning customers like animals in my opinion.

As a Auto mechanic I have seen brand new vehicles coming into the repair shop shiny new until they start the car up and lift the hood to look over the engine. Then you will hear engine knock, piston slap, loose timing chains and worn out upper and lower engine parts. I feel like taking one of these vehicles over to Midwest Title Loans in St. Joe Missouri and give them a real Lemmon. From my understanding the two ladies inside do not even test drive them or start the car up! They just look at the car’s VIN number and write out the checks. How would they feel if they were treated the same way as their REPO MEN, (or boys in my opinion) treated my disabled friend and his son.

I talked to Eugene today to find out if they at least got a apology from Midwest Title Loans. He replied he had to beg them to get his coats, gloves, and hats out of the Blazer which was their personal belongings. The people at the other end screamed at him and said he has to give them a 24 hour notice first before he can get his tools, coats, and cane out of the car. Before Eugene’s string of bad luck began the people at Midwest Title Loans located in St. Joseph Missouri at
603 S Belt Hwy, 64507 always smiled and welcomed him back for more loans. I don’t think my Disabled Friend Eugene and his 7 year old son will ever return should they ever save up for another car.  More...... Diagnose Car Misfires!

keywords: midwest title loans, saint joseph missouri, repo men, disabled americans, belt hwy,

Auto Repair Help/Learn How to Repair Cars And Trucks/Auto Repairs

Thanks for coming to this blog to learn how to repair cars and trucks. If you just bought a car for the first time and are wondering how to care for your vehicle weather it be a car or truck you came to the right place. First let me tell you a little bit about me so that you can distinguish the difference between a regular blogger and a real auto mechanic. Right out of high school I went to a vo-tech to complete a 2 year course in auto mechanics. I then went to a 9 month course at a reputable automotive Institute in Wichita Kansas. After receiving my Diploma and completion certificates in auto repair I went directly to work. I attended night classes in auto repair to keep up with the new technology coming out every year. During a 20 year time span I completed my ASE certifications in what really interested me the most which was Engine Performance. My other certifications were in Electrical & Electronics, Brakes, and air conditioning.


What I would like to know from you is what kind of vehicle do you drive and what kind of problems you are having with it. Make sure to leave the engine, make, and model year of vehicle you have. You can leave it in the comment section here in my personal blog. I will research your car or truck and get back to you on a first come first serve basis. I will try to explain to you how to fix your own vehicle with the description that you leave. There is no such thing as giving me to much information. If you would rather shoot me an email my personal email address is

FREE AUTO REPAIR HELP I believe there is no such thing as a dumb question when it comes to repairing your car or truck depending on what type of vehicle you have. I will tell you what type of manual you will need along with the special type of tools you will have to have in fixing your car or truck. Go ahead and give it a try because this is all FREE with no gimmicks. I just want to help you repair your vehicle.

So if you want to learn how to fix your car or truck by yourself without paying a auto repair shop $75.00 per hour leave me a comment or shoot me an email. I would like to say once again my specialty is in engine performance which deals with your vehicle hesitating, stalling out, no power, hard to start cold or hot, etc. let me know and I will do my best to help you fix your vehicle. From carburetors to fuel injection and from points and condenser to distributor less ignition systems I will help you fix your car or truck for Free! What do you have to lose? Ask me your questions and I will get back to you ASAP. Thanks for your time.

-The Auto dude-



Keywords- car or truck, vehicle, fix, repair, auto repairs, car problems, carburetors, distributors,DIY

