
Vehicle Repairs And Unpredictable-Unforeseen Car Problems

How many times driving down the road-
have you seen motorists experiencing unpredicted vehicle repairs and unforeseen car problems parked along a dark stretch of a highway? If you are like me then you may have lost count around fifty or so. It especially saddens me to see single moms with their children in the cars and trucks in 100 degree temperatures. Not only is it frustrating and scary for the parent but it is also very unsafe to be out there! I always try to make it a point to stop and ask if there is anything I could do for them while they wait for their roadside assistance help to arrive. A few times I was able to diagnose a dislodged coil wire preventing the car from starting or a loose and worn radiator hose clamp that needed to be replaced. In these cases I was able to get them back on the road again without charging them a dime. Let me explain why I don’t see any point in charging these people money for getting them back on the road.

Before I started my career out as a ASE Certified Automotive Repair technician, my mother enjoyed traveling out on the open roads. She knew I was always interested in becoming an auto repair technician as I was finishing up my 2 year Auto Mechanic Course. I was always prepared when ever we went anywhere on a trip. I would bring along my starter supply tool box and away we would go most of the time with my younger brother and sister. We were leaving New Orleans and heading north when our little Dodge Colt experienced what I would call a unpredicted vehicle repair problem or you can call it a unforeseen car problem. The Old 73 Dodge Colt died in the swamps of Louisiana and would not start as it was getting dark and the mosquitoes were just starting their attack on us all. My training in Auto repair lead me to the conclusion we had burnt up a set of points and condenser and the ignition coil was on its last leg.

I began my journey into the night by walking to some lights I saw off in a distance. The lights looked closer than it actually was! I would guess now that it was approximately 20 to 30 miles away to the closest small town down there. I thought it would be a good idea to have my little brother stay with my mom and my little sister for protection while I was out looking for a ride or for some help. By sun up, I made it to the small town just to find they had no Auto Parts Store around any where. While I took a small break under a shady tree fighting off mosquitoes, a very nice guy offered me a ride to the next town 20 miles away. He then asked me how many of my family members were waiting back in the broken down Dodge Colt which I replied, “my mother, little brother, and my little sister”.

Of course we were poor and had no roadside assistance help available and just enough gas money to get us back to Kansas. I never asked him for a dime when he offered to buy us all breakfast sandwiches juice and milk at the local McDonalds. He then threw a hundred dollar bill up on the Auto Parts Counter and insisted on paying for the Auto Parts too! As you can see, I try to help mostly the elderly and single mothers I see broke down on the roads today. Unpredicted Vehicle Repairs and Unforeseen Car Problems do happen to everyone out there. For more car care stories please visit my blog at, "Auto Repair Savings And My special Links."