
Auto Repair Shop Hourly Rates and Auto Parts Prices

Wouldn’t this be a nightmare seeing auto mechanics expanding out and opening auto parts stores combined with their auto service centers and their own tow truck service? It sounds kind of like a tongue twister if you sit back and think about this. Just the idea of a team of auto mechanics coming together and controlling prices for their parts and labor with tow truck service resulting in sky rocketing auto repair bills for you and me. That is the part that sounds like a night mare to me! Let me explain to you what I am talking about here.

Lets say a auto mechanic opened his own auto repair shop with his own money. First of all he or she can charge what ever they want when it comes to auto repair shop hourly rates. Depending on his automotive skill level and ASE certifications he might just want to charge his auto repair customers a high price of $200.00 per hour for working on their car or truck! And to make matters worse he or she now decides to open his or her own auto parts store. Now he has control of the auto-parts prices which he will charge you as his auto repair customer which he can double along with his $200.00 per hour auto shop rates. Keep in mind that auto repair shops across this country do charge their auto repair shop customers any where from $17.50 per hour to $200.00 per hour depending on their moods or how high they are strung out on themselves. Can you imagine how much money a auto repair mechanic who owns his own auto center plus his own auto parts store could make in one day of automotive repair business? But now he wants to add his own auto and truck tow service.

Example for a Normal Auto Repair Shop

I’m thinking now about that credit card commercial a normal auto repair shop would charge you as follows: tow bill $45, diagnostic $25 (time spent on finding your problem), $60 for rebuilt starter, $17.50 for labor to install starter. With a grand total of $147.50 for everything. Now this auto repair bill seems just fine to me and you right?

Example for the Expanding Auto Mechanic Who Has Everything

Keep in mind this auto repair shop bill could be the real thing! This is where the money is when you have your own auto repair shop, auto parts store and your own tow truck service. Here we go again! Tow bill $250-diagnostic time-$200-New starter-$400, 1 hour labor to install starter $200. With his grand total of $1,050.00 for everything. These prices could be you.

Which auto repair shop would you see yourself taking your vehicle into when your car or truck will not turn over with a bad starter motor. The auto mechanic could charge you either $147.50 or $1,050,00 depending on his location and how bad you need your vehicle fixed! I would guess with these prices he could call it a day after a few cars come into his auto service center and buy his auto parts after being unhooked from his tow truck. With all of this said keep in mind these examples could be you if you happen to stroll into his auto mechanics shop who owns his own auto parts store along with his own tow truck service!

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