
Car Repair Estimates Will Catch You by Surprise!

Car Repair Estimates
How many of you out there have ever waited by your telephone for your mechanic to catch you by surprise with a car repair estimate? I know I have been caught off guard a few times even though I have worked in the auto repair private sector for over 25 years. My expertise was in engine performance , brakes, and air conditioning. When it came to my transmission I was like a fish out of water when it came to writing a repair estimate for transmissions or servicing them. My car repair estimate for my automatic transmission was around $1,500.00 and some change to fix. Believe me I was shocked by the labor and auto parts needed to fix it noted on the car repair estimate.

Car Repair Estimates

Although I have written my share of car repair estimates for air conditioning and brakes I could not believe how it felt on the other side of the service desk. I thought, “where am I going to get the $1,500.00 to get my car fixed”. My credit was not as perfect as I wanted it to be and everyone I knew was broke. I was then strolling through the internet looking for some help with this high dollar car repair estimate. Then I came across this Payday Loan application. I thought, well I have a bank account and a job so why not? I can have my car back and running in 2 days and I qualified for a first time 50% off!

Paying For My Car Repair Estimate

My point here is why not go ahead with this pay day loan to get my car fixed because I do not want to miss any more work. It all worked out for me after I was able to pay this car repair estimate in full and get back to work! Here is the link I found Want an extra $1500 for bills by tomorrow? Apply now! I hope you do not have to have these kind of car repair estimates but when and if you do please visit these guys for FAST Service!

Diagnose Car Misfires

How to Adjust Your Carburetor The Right Way

Carburetor Adjusting
In the Winter time you should try and adjust your carbs for the cold Winter weather. In this article I will explain how to adjust your carburetor right the first time for the cold winter ahead. Most carburetors are basically the same when it comes to setting or adjusting your fuel mixtures to the outside climate where ever you live at. The main thing to remember about adjusting a carburetor for the colder weather is that it takes a richer mixture for the car to start and stay running. Carburetor adjusting for the cold Winter Weather should be done in the Fall. Whether it is a Rochester dual or quadro jet type of carburetor or Ford's Motor craft type of carb. setting the choke and the air fuel mixtures should be set a little rich.


When you first start your carbureted vehicle in the cold Winter weather you need to set the automatic carburetor choke by tapping on the gas pedal a few times. If you are watching the choke linkage on your carburetor you will see the choke plate snap all the way closed. Another thing that happens while you are tapping your throttle pedal is your carburetors accelerator pump should be squirting a steady stream of gas downward inside of the intake manifold. If you don't see the steady stream of fuel shooting out from the accelerator pump in your carburetor then carburetor adjusting for the cold Winter weather will not work. You will need to replace the carburetors accelerator pump.


Okay once your carburetor has closed the choke plate and your accelerator pump has pumped a few strong streams of fuel the car should start with the linkage set on the fast idle cam. You can now adjust your fast idle speed on your carburetor by a screw that is located on the lower left side of your carburetor under the choke. At this point you can check the operation of your primary and secondary choke pull offs on your carburetor which is vacuum controlled. If the choke pull offs on your carburetor is not retracting then you need to replace your carburetors choke pull offs. If they are working properly then you can rich-en up these pull off settings either by bending the carburetors choke linkage or by the adjusting screw on the choke pull off itself. By adjusting your choke pull offs your carburetor adjusting for the cold Winter weather will improve how your vehicle runs cold.


After a few minutes you can hit the throttle pedal to kick down the choke linkage to the basic idle position. By now your electric carburetor choke should be wide open and your basic idle speed on your carburetor should be around 750 to 800 RPMs. I hope this carburetor adjustments for the cold winter weather article will help you better understand of how your carburetor works with a cold engine.

For more carburetor repair tips please visit my blog at, "Auto Repair Savings And my Special Links".

Also see... Diagnose Car Misfires!

Car and Truck Tune up Questions- Answered Now!

The things you need to know like what is a tune up, car tune up cost, tune up shops, and car maintenance will be explained here for women and first time car and truck owners. Car tuning is the adjustment, modification, or design of a car engine to create optimal engine performance to increase an engine's ability to yield power output, fuel economy, or durability. Car tune ups can be what you want it to be, either minor or major. A low mileage car or truck would be the perfect example for a vehicle needing a minor tune up. Let me explain to you what a minor and major tune up is and what you should expect for each of these two car services at your local tune up shop.

Minor Car Tune Up Information For Women and First Time Car and Truck Owners:

A minor tune up for a car or truck with low mileage would only consist of replacing the spark plugs on your car. What I mean by low mileage would be around 30,000 miles but check your owner’s manual to be more specific on the mileage. Your car tune up cost should be around $50 for a typical four cylinder car or truck engine. A minor tune up at most tune up shops will also include a free car maintenance inspection which means looking for anything that could cause you to have car engine problems. For example the auto mechanic will inspect your car belts, hoses, antifreeze, engine block for leaks, spark plug wires, distributor cap and ignition rotor, and all of your car engine fluids and top them off if needed. You may be charged for the lubricants and car fluids needed to fill them up. I hope this minor car tune up information will give you a better understanding of what to expect when you take your car or truck in.

Major Car Tune Up Information For Women and First Time Car and Truck Owners:

A major tune up for your car or truck would consist of replacing very important maintenance items such as your car or truck’s spark plugs, spark plug wires, distributor cap and rotor, gas filter, air filter, needed belts and hoses, adjusting your car or truck’s ignition timing and carburetor where applicable. Now if you really want to get the maximum engine performance out of your car or truck with high mileage you may also consider replacing your oxygen sensors, timing belt, and having your cooling system flushed and filled with new antifreeze. It would be well worth it but you would expect to pay around $1,200.00 for this type of high mileage major car tune up. You would not have to worry about another major car or truck tune up for an additional 90,000 miles. I hope this article was able to answer your questions on what is a car tune up is, car tune up cost, car tune up shops, and you received your answer.
For more car and truck care information for women and first time car and truck owners please visit my blog at, “Auto Repair Savings Blog.”  See more..... Diagnose Car Misfires!

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How do I Fix a Speedometer in my Car

Guaranteed Auto Repair Savings

Guaranteed auto repair savings would be nice if it was true. The truth is no one can guarantee auto repair savings nor will they want to. There are so many auto parts out there sitting on the shelves either going bad or is bad. And think about it, if some auto repair shop guaranteed auto repair savings they would be out of business. Human error is a contributor to autos breaking down sooner than expected. Auto repair savings can not be guaranteed is the bottom line. Now if you were giving away your auto repairs for free then maybe you can guarantee your auto repairs for the life of the car. Wouldn't that be nice having a auto repair shop guarantee your auto repair in savings in writing?

"Guaranteed auto repair savings" would look nice as a bill board over Las Vegas or some place like that! How many people would be lined up for guaranteed auto repair savings? Think about it your auto repairs are guaranteed. Guaranteed for how long is the question I would be asking the auto repair shop who is promising guaranteed auto repair savings. And in order to put that in writing that their auto repairs are guaranteed I would say they have a lot of kudos. Guarantee is a pretty strong word in the auto repair shops. So the next time you see a auto repair shop who guarantees their work ask them how is your auto repairs guaranteed. Guaranteed auto repair savings is something anyone can say who guarantees their auto repairs. lol See if you can say all of this real fast 3 times. Its a real tonge twister! Guranteed Auto Repair Savings.