Quite a long time never post . Quite busy this few weeks , travel to kl every weekend to help my friend's GSR conversion . Damn that seller didn't give complete , many things missing and irresponsible. I really spend hard time to connect all the wiring for my friend . Pity him , alternator kong then air con compressor blown .... Pay RM10K for the stupid GSR . End up still need to top money for those missing parts .... For those who wish to transplant , pls take this lesson . Don't ever buy engine lantai or engine that dismantle from third party's car . Buy half cut will be better , don't greedy with their aftermarket setup.
Ok , back to upgrade turbo unit story . Got a gen 2 which already BOT. This BOT gen 2 send to northern garage for power upgrade and doing some overhaul. Below is the picture turbo unit before and after :p ..... Will update more later