
Diagnostic Code Reader

I just found out Amazon.Com offers the public now their own pocket code readers! Let me tell you a little bit how these work and how these will save you money now and in the future!

Some shops charge over $200 to retrieve your code and then just turn off your "CHECK ENGINE OR SERVICE ENGINE LIGHT". That’s it! That simple. Now if you can buy your own pocket scanner and do it your self each time your “check engine light” comes on, you already did the work and you know what number code to give to the mechanic. You just saved $200! After you retrieve the code then you hit the reset button and the light goes off again. Its that simple.
The reason they charge you so much for this quick test is they invest 6 0r 7 thousand dollars in a expensive scanner which does the following and a lot more and they also have to pay the mechanic to perform this small procedure. Their scanners do the same thing as this pocket scanner as far as extracting a code and resetting it. So if you walk or call in your codes retrieved from your pocket scanner you save yourself some valuable time and a lot less worrying.
You will have an idea what is wrong before going to a mechanic, and avoid being ripped-off! If you do your own repairs, you can avoid buying costly parts you don't really need.

After reading out the error codes, you can use that information to fix your car and turn off the check-engine light easily using the ACTRON CP9125 POCKET SCAN CODE READER

After fixing the original cause of the problem, your car may still stay in "limp" mode. In other words, it won't run right because it still "remembers" the problem. Using the ACTRON CP9125 POCKET SCAN CODE READER

to clear the errors and the check-engine light restores the car to normal operation after carrying out your repairs.

If the light wont erase itself then you have what they refer to as a "hard code". And you should consult your nearest auto mechanic. A lot of times you will have an intermittent problem of which your cars computer will pick up and turn that light on unexpectedly. You can then erase it yourself and turn off the light. If the same code reappears within a few days then you should take your record of codes to the auto repair shop and discuss that code or codes with your auto mechanic. It’s the new way for a do it yourselfer to save money these days.

So click on the Amazon Link code I placed on this Post and get yours today! These little gadgets also makes great gifts for friends and family members who it seems are always having car problems! I have one in my own glove Box! These are great to have at your finger tips! HAPPY DRIVING!