
Automotive Electrical

Your charging system needs to be watched as you drive down the road. If your not careful then you could be stranded somewhere you don’t want to be.

Just to keep it simple here without getting to technical, your battery is used to start your car and keep your other accessories going. For instance things like your headlights, radio, gauges, and your exterior lighting like your blinkers and parking lights also.

The job of the alternator is to keep the battery fully charged at all times while the car is running. If you have a gauge for the battery then you would want it around typically 13 or 14 volts. So having your battery serviced like having the terminals periodically cleaned and coated with some type of anticorrosion material would be a good idea.

I found out that if you suspect any kind of problem with your charging system then usually auto parts stores supply a Free service to you. What they do is bring out a handheld device which would measure your alternator output and the condition of your battery by performing a load test. This would save you quite of bit of money going to an auto repair shop and having them charge you at least a half hours labor diagnosing your problem.

Keep in mind, that the auto parts stores can also make money offering this free service to you. They have the battery, alternators, and starters right there if you need one to purchase.

Your belts to the alternator should be inspected also from time to time. A loose or worn out belt could be slipping and your charging power could be reduced. Usually your alternator bearings could also be heard whining telling you the bearings are just about worn out completely. Keep in mind your cars computer system also runs off this electrical system. So your power, performance and gas mileage could be affected also. Happy Driving