Hi guys,
Many post up a question about how much my BOT kit cost . Alright , here i will list out all item cost and labour charge .
Unichip Q+ plus turbo module = Rm2600
New GT2510 ( hyrid) = Rm1500
0.5 bar wastegate = Rm300
New turbo header ( 2mm thick s/steel pipe ) Rm1200
S/steel piping 2" ( mandrel bent ) RM500
Welding labour charge Rm200
Steel braided hose for oil feed RM100
Oil sump oil drain modification = RM300 ( Aluminium welding and adaptor )
Oil drain pipe plus bracket = RM100
Hose joint 2" and 2.5" (RM50 per pieces) ( 5 pcs used ) = RM250
Super Hose clip S/steel ( bigger than normal)= RM12 x 20 = Rm240
injector Evo = Rm80
External Injector holder = RM90
Down pipe 2.5" pipe = RM200
O2 sensor flange = RM50
Labour charge = RM300
Intercooler 10" x 7" x 2" = RM450
TOtal - RM8460 !!
Blow off ( china made ) = various type RM300
So guy justify yourselves .... Not many ppl can breakdown as what i have done here ...