Got a friend of mine had changed to quadcore 10mm plug cable and used it for 4 mths . This morning he is warming engine and do some checking on his car . Suddenly his campro engine gives some weird response and abnormal vibration. Then he suspects spark plug give way , so he is pulling out all the plug cable . Pull out 1st and 2nd cable ok , he get shocks when come to 3rd cable . The plug boot is coming out but the spark plug clip of the cable remain clipped on the spark plug terminal . Then he take out the spark plug and he found that the cable already broken and torn into 2 parts . Dismantle the clip and found that core already torn into 2 part as well and corroded as well. The clip stopper also got burn mark on it .
Below is the picture of broken wire :-
Stopper got burn mark due to high voltage spark .
Core is broken !!
Insulator color also different !!