This the number engrave at the block is number to determine what kind of crankcase bearing to use . Of course just these numbers not enough . Is combination with numbers engrave on crankshaft
see below ... got another set of number on the crankshaft . both must add together
Example : crankcase 11211 and crankshaft 11111
crankcase bearing will be
position 1 : 2
position 2 : 2
position 3 : 3
position 4 : 2
position 5 : 2
you will see crankcase bearing got number on it
con rod bearing also engraved on crankshft . see the picture : 2222
1.3 crankshaft got con rod bearing number near to conrod shaft on crankshaft
1.3 crankcase bearing number
another set of conrod bearing number for 1.3 crankshaft