I wonder how many of you really know spark plug cable type . Last month i got my nology plug cable spoiled , and got replacement . Guess , i got HONDA CRV plug cable as replacement . This replacement has given something simply improve engine response . From my observation , this replacement really make engine more responsive than nology plug cable . The reason why i choose CRV plug cable because that cable got spiral carbon core which was similar with nology plug cable spiral core . Spiral core also used in NGK power cable , but NGK power cable got noise suppression insulator before stainless steel wire winded on the carbon core .
I have recommended to many of my friend own campro . All got positive feedback .
You can not get the CRV plug cable and direct plug to the stock bosch coil pack . You need to either change the coil pack to mitsubishi or change the CRV plug cable ori terminal to campro ori terminal . If you want to upgrade to CRV plug cable , pls leave a msg at the msg box . Or e-mail me kevintan68@hotmail.com
You can buy NGK power cable and change terminal as well .