
Midwest Title Loans WILL Reposess Your Car or Truck Title!

Midwest title Loans located in Saint Joseph Missouri WILL repossess your car or truck title! Take it from someone who has experienced this nightmare when I was traveling with my 7 year old son. I don't know how to stress this enough other than putting this out on my blog. Not only will Midwest Title Loans repossess your car or truck title but they will as fast as they can damage your credit by putting a repossession on your record so that you can not buy another vehicle. I understand there is no way to get my vehicle back now but If I can Stop just one customer from falling into their trap I feel I have done my job. If I can remember right I believe their names were Lillie and a Wanda who talked me into taking out a loan which I could not afford. I first asked for a few hundred dollars to get caught up on some rent and bills and then this is when they replied, "Are You Sure That is Going to be Enough" They got me! Like a fool I said ok throw in a few hundred dollars more. That is when I learned that Midwest Title Loans will repossess your car or truck title and put it up on their auction block.
Midwest Title Loans

Your probably saying all you had to do was to just say No. Its not really that simple when money is being thrown at you in that fashion. But of course they are trained to do this type of upsell to line their own pockets having no regards for the public. Then again I fell for one of their, "30-days Free Interest' Specials. I knew I could pay the $300 back with no problem but the added upsell for another $300 I was Not prepared for. I will admit though my 2000 Chevy Blazer was in tip top condition with 170,000 miles on it. Not one oil leak anywhere. Of course it was all tuned up with new o2 sensors and I just installed a new front wheel bearing which was a pain. I kinda miss the old Blazer and am a little teed off loosing it in that fashion. So I guess the bottom line here is, Midwest Title Loans will repossess your car or truck title and leave you stranded like they did me. If I was to do this all over again I would of went to the other guys there on the Belt Highway in saint Joe Missouri. If you are already doing business with them remember you can still go to the other guys and get a better interest rate and have them buy your car or truck title from Midwest Title Loans and still save over 50%!!!!

tags: midwest title loans, saint joseph, missouri, reposess, car or truck, title

Midwest Title Loans-When Car Title Loan Places Go Bad-Midwest Title Loans

Midwest Title Loans
Can you imagine the kind of profits Midwest Title Loans make at the end of the day? Not only can they charge you over 300% interest rates and get away with it, they also get to Reposes a couple vehicles for their auction block. You would have to have a very cold heart to work there in my opinion. Midwest Title Loans profits off the very poor and old who are not able to get loans anywhere else. So when car title loan places go bad like Midwest Title Loans, someone somewhere is going to have their car repossessed by the end of the day. I wonder what they do with all that money being made from the high interest rates and repossession of your cars or trucks. You would think making that kind of money day after day their office should look a little more professional. I remember reading an article which made me chuckle once titled, ‘when auto mechanics go bad.” Well that is why I am writing this one titled, “When Car Title Loan Places Go Bad.”

Possible Repossession for MWTL
Midwest Title Loans located in Saint Joseph Missouri at 603 S. Belt Hwy. will reposes your car or truck and not think twice about it. My family and I was stalked and followed through 3 counties and 2 states before they made their move on our car. The extra sets of keys you give them are used just for that purpose. It is my understanding that Missouri law states Midwest Title Loans was supposed to let me know repossession was eminent. I was never notified. The law also states Midwest title loans was supposed to let me know when and where my vehicle was being auctioned off and how much it was sold for. I was never notified. Midwest title Loans is supposed to let me know if there was a profit from my vehicle being sold and send me the difference from the $300 I owed them. I haven’t heard a thing from them. This is what happens when a car title loan place goes bad.

I saw a Television commercial saying they charge 50% less than other car title loan places like Midwest Title Loans. So I will tell you folks before you think about doing business with Midwest Title Loans in St. Joe Missouri shop around and save thousands of dollars in interest and the possibility of having your car or truck repossessed. This could happen to you when a car title loan place goes bad.

Tags: Midwest title loans, gone bad, saint joseph, Missouri, repossession, interest rates,

Midwest Title Loans Will Repossess Your Car or Truck /603 S Belt Hwy, Saint Joseph, MO 64507

Midwest Title Loans Repo
In today’s economy people are having a hard time making it. If you took out a car title loan from Midwest title loans in Saint Joseph, (603 S. Belt Hwy 64507) and then you come across another unexpected emergency you can bet your bottom dollar Midwest Title Loans will have their Repo guys come after your car. I was reading an article the on the Inter net where a consumer took out a loan for $2,00 and made a payment of $1,00.00 then come to find out only $.36 was applied to her loan. People like Midwest Title Loans in St. Joe are quick to repossess your car or truck. Some good news is there are places like some check cashing places there in Saint Joseph Missouri that will BUY your title loans back from Midwest and you can start paying them back with smaller interest rates. In case you do not know what place I am referring to they are called Midwest Title Loans 603 S. Belt Hwy 64507.

As I stated earlier article I wrote on my blog, “Auto Repair Savings and my special Links” My 2000 Chevy was repossessed and placed on their auction block just because I missed a couple payments. I then had an emergency arise where I could not make a payment. A friend of mine told me that now the word Repossession is listed on my credit report where as I am now unable to get another vehicle for my 8 year old son and I. I did forget to mention I am Disabled and having to walk my son to the bus stop every morning. So if you love your car or truck do not take out a car title loan with Midwest Title Loans out of St. joseph Missouri. My loan I had left to get my title back was only $300 and at the time of repossession the interest rates on it jumped up to over $1,400.00. My advice is to not to do any business with Midwest Title Loans out of St. Joseph Missouri.

Midwest Title Loans Repo Services

Midwest Title Loans gave me 10 days to come up with $1,400.00 or their exact words were, “it will be going on our auction Block.” Where could I get $1,400.00 in 10 days? This is the biggest scam I have seen in a long time. They still have my cane I need to walk around with and they refuse to give it back to me. Disabled or not Midwest Title Loans do not care. My 7 year old son cried when we discovered our vehicle had been repossessed by Midwest Title Loans. I found another article where a classaction lawsuit is going on in the state of Missouri addressing these high interest rates. So please go to the other guys there in St. joseph on the Belt Hwy. if you really need a car title loan. I promise you will be treated with more respect then Midwest Title Loans.  –The autodude- Diagnose Car Misfires

Tags: Midwest title loans, repossession, saint Joseph Missouri, auction block,