
Mid West Title Loans in St. Joseph Missouri Thumbs Down Review

Ruining Family"s Lives
Being in the automotive business over 25 years I can not believe the way a so called Business called Midwest Title Loans located in St. Joseph Missouri operates within the law. Charging well over 300% interest on their car title loans. The worst part is, no matter how long you have been doing business them they will come and secretly steal your car after missing a few payments due to the economy. The smiles and greetings they give to you are just fake. As a matter of fact the smiles and greetings could be them laughing at your mistake of taking out a loan with them. I never thought of it that way. So as for Midwest Title Loans in St. Joseph Missouri the Autodude gives this so called business two thumbs down.

Midwest Title Loans St. Joe Mo.
I think its time for them to pull the plug on ruining peoples lives and charging this kind of interest. My review of them is from a real life drama that happened to me and my little boy having our vehicle repoed miles away from home. Why did they have to stalk and follow us visiting a relative in another state then pounce on us lke a wild animal to steal our car. Were they afraid to  greet us at our home before we left and bring up this debt? Midwest Title Loans in St. Joseph Missouri are possibly millionaires by now preying on the poor with these high 300% rates.

Repo Men?
What are your thoughts on this car title loan place in St. Joe? I feel the place is pretty shabby in appearence compared to the newer car title loan places springing up there in St. Joe. I am not sure but I think these Newer places may be even lower on their interest rates than Mid West Title Loans in St. Joe! I would not go there for a car title loan but would rather shop around there on the Belt Highway for a cleaner place with lower interest rates. If you decide to go to Midwest Title Loans in St. Joseph Missouri and god forgive you if you do, ask them at what point will they come take your car away from you and your family. So in short, the Autodude gives Midwest Title Loans in St. Joseph Missouri TWO THUMBS DOWN!

keywords: midwest title loans, st. joseph missouri, car title loans, review, repo men,

Midwest Title Loans-Say no to Car Title Loan Place in St. Joe Mo.

Do you live in or around St. Joseph Missouri and was thinking about a car title loan place to go to? The Autodude recommends that you stay away from Midwest Title Loans located at 603 S Belt Hwy in St. Joseph Missouri. (Phone: (816) 232-9100. My personal experience with them has been very bad and I should of went elsewhere’s where they show a lot more professionalism. There are other car title loan places to go to in St. Joe Missouri that will show you some courtesy that you deserve. If you love your car do not go to Midwest Title Loans.

Midwest Title Loans
My experience with them has been a nightmare. I can not believe how nice and kind they are to you when you take out a car title loan with them. I only owed them $300 and thought I would be ok by missing a couple payments due to the bad economy. Midwest Title Loans located in St. Joe Missouri had their repo men follow me through 4 counties and through 2 states then within minutes, I call it stole my vehicle, which I paid $8,000 cash for. I immediately called them and offered to pay the $300 owed but I was told that their interest rates went from $300 to $1,300 and demanded it all paid in full or they will put my vehicle on their auction block in 10 days!

My advice would be to go to another car title loan place and stay away as far as you can from Midwest Title Loans located on the south Belt Highway. (.603 S Belt Hwy) The other title loan places located there in St. Joseph Missouri looks more professional and cleaner. As a matter of fact I understand if you currently have a car title loan with Midwest Title Loans you can go to one of the more respectable places there and have them pay off your car title loan and get as far away from Midwest Title as you can. I have been a certified auto repair tech. for over 25 years and have never screwed a customer as bad as these people do every day at Midwest Title Loans charging over 300% interest rates and repo your car no matter where you are or who is with you like your children.

Repo Men Midwest Title Loans

In my future blog posts I will keep you updated on this car title loan place called Midwest Title Loans located in St. Joseph Missouri.


Keywords: Midwest title loans, st. joe Missouri, car title loans, repo men,

Automobile Brakes/Car Brakes/Vehicle Brakes/What You Should Know

Front brake Assembly
What you should know about your car and truck brakes may surprise you. Most vehicle brakes are run by a hydraulic system which under pressure will slow or stop your car. Below I will go over some points to remember when it comes to your car or truck brakes. Some people believe that all you have to do is drive the vehicle until you hear noises coming from your wheels. By that time it is to lste for a normal routine brake job you see advertised all over the place. Here are some brake tips you should know as you are out cruising around town.

Brake Pulsation:

Brake Inspection
Your automobile brakes have brake rotors in the front and most of the time you have brake drums on the rear of the vehicle. When your brake rotors and brake drums heat up you creat a hot spot which will cause these two components to over heat and expand. Some times you can have the brake rotors and brake drums machined cut to fix this brake pulsation problem or you can just have the brake rotors and brake drums replaced.

Brake Squeaking:
Seventy percent of your braking is coming from your front brakes while the remaining thirty percent is coming from the reaes. Your front brake pads are equipped with squealers to let you know to have them inspected right away before you start rubbing metal on metal. which can be quite costly. If you get them inspected right away all you may be looking at is just a brake pad replacement and resurfacing the rotors. If you choose to ignore the noise then plan on replacing the brake rotors, brake hardware, and possibly a brake caliper or two.
Heaed up Brakes

Use Your Parking Brake as Much as Possible:
Most drivers out there will ignore using their parking brake every time they park their vehicles. The parking brake Is designed to help adjust the front and rear brakes evenly. If you do not apply the parking brakes then your brake cables will rust and freeze up not allowing your brakes to be applied evenly.

ASE Brake Technician

Flush Out Your Brake Fluid:
Unflushed brake fluid will turn into sludge and will not perform its duties. The rubber parts, seals, et. will start to leak and will not give you the stopping power that you need. Brake fluid is not suppose to boil when it gets hot. Here are just a few pointers you can keep.

Keywords: brakes, front brakes, rear brakes, cars and trucks, vehicles, .