
Should I Pay For a Diagnostic Charge/Rip off Scams

Have you ever taken your vehicle in for repairs and the auto repair shop could not fix the problem? And now the mechanic expects you to pay for his time spent on your car. This could be one of those rip off scams revealed and you don’t even know it. Many not all auto mechanics will spend a few minutes on your vehicle and say he spent 2.5 hours working on it. As a matter in fact I saw one auto technician take a customers car to lunch and returned with no clue what was wrong with the vehicle. Another example was a auto repair shop manager sprayed some degreaser on the timing chain cover and told the customer he replaced the timing belt which amounted to over $300. One more example is a car came in with a sensor unplugged and the mechanic just plugged it back in and the car was fixed after charging the customer for a new sensor, labor to install, and unnecessary shop supplies that were never used.

So the question still remains should you pay for a diagnostic charge if the problem isn’t fixed? Another example is a car came in with an alternator not plugged in. The auto repair shop owner instructed the tech. to pull the alternator off and repaint it in the back parts room. Once it was dry it was installed back onto the vehicle and charged the customer over $400. There are so many rip off scams out there it is unbelievable. Paying for a diagnostic charge where the repair shop could not fix the problem really have you in his pocket because until you pay him he does not have to turn over your keys to you.

The only defense that you have is to stand there all day and see how much time the mechanic actually spends working on your car. But who has time for that? Price and labor mark up is getting out of hand. You get charged twice the amount for the same part as if you walked in and paid for it yourself. Then if the labor guide calls for 2.0 hours to install the part the mechanic will try and get away with charging you 3.5 hours. If you can ask the auto repair shop manager if you can see the book time you are being charged. Chances are he will not let you in the shop due to insurance purposes. As I said many times before go to QwikTalk and ask the guys there if you are getting scammed on a car diagnostics.
Diagnose Car Misfires
Keywords: auto repair scams, cars and trucks, diagnostic charges, QwikTalk

Ask a Mechanic, Veterinarian, or Business Consultant a Question Now!

I found a new service while scanning the internet looking for answers. We all know how time consuming that could be looking for just that one answer. Imagine if you can call in and get your answers immediately which would leave you time for more things to do in this busy busy world. For instance if your car has been acting like it is going to the scrap yard but all you need is a automotive part under $25 to fix it, wouldn’t you like to ask a professional certified auto mechanic who has nothing to gain but give you the answer? Another scenario would be your pet from whom you love very much and has been there for you through good times and bad all of a sudden is very sick. One phone call to a Veterinarian could save his life! This new company called QwikTalk is there for you, your car, and your favorite pet. Business consultants are also available on call for that one question that will save you hours of research. Ask a Mechanic, Veterinarian, or a Business Consultant your question and if your not satisfied you will get a refund with no questions asked!

I can remember a customer bringing in their vehicle for a ticking noise. It was a well taken care of car too. The customer actually wanted to junk the car but I informed him that all that needed to be done is to pull the valve cover off and install a new rocker arm. He saved himself thousands of dollars on a new car he thought he needed and is still driving it today. I don’t want to bore you with old mechanic stories but one other customer came into the shop thinking his timing belt broke and damaged his pistons. He asked me the question, “Should I Junk it” I told him that particular motor will not damage the engine if the timing belt breaks and all he needs is a $20 timing belt installed. As you can see all it takes is a question and you can save big time money by calling these guys at QwikTalk.

This type of service offered to the public is something that I wished was there for me long time ago when I was attending school. There is always that one question that bugs the heck out of me. I am sure your favorite pet would also like you to have access to your questions. The best thing about this service from QwikTalk is you do not have sales people pushing unneeded services on you trying to drain your pocket. All they do is give you the answer you are looking for.

Keywords: QwikTalk, Mechanics, Veterinarian, Ask a Question

Auto Speed Quest Garage

Hi Guys ,

Auto Speed Quest is a new garage that equipped with Dynojet dyno machine located at Jalan Bukit kemuning near to Giant . Pls visit below link for more detail . Adaptronic tuning and installation available there. Contact Aman Farris

More Information on Paying For Car Diagnostics/Auto Repair Diagnosis/Truck Diagnosis

In my previous blog post I received a lot of feed back on this topic of paying for a car diagnosis if the problem can’t be found by the auto mechanic. Auto repair diagnosis can be very simple as a vacuum leak or it can be very difficult like a short in an electrical circuit. Deciding weather to pay or not to pay for your vehicle diagnostics isn’t really a choice unless you have an understanding with your auto mechanic before hand. The auto repair shop can legally hold your keys and car until the bill is paid. But of course most people realize that. As a former 25 year certified auto technician I can give you some helpful advice on paying for your diagnosis.
Help Your Mechanic Find Your Car Problem:

If you have an idea of what it might be let the service writer know before hand. Give them every little detail of what the vehicle is doing and what it sounds and smells like. This will speed up his diagnostic time and your charges will stay lower. You are maybe thinking why should I give him this information if I have to pay him. Just by giving him or her this information could and will speed them up finding your problem. By the time you are through telling the auto repair shop all of the details they may have already figured out where your car problem is and how much it will take to fix and repair.

Have Your Auto Repair Shop Explain Their Diagnostic Routine:

Before you hand the auto repair shop your car or truck keys, make sure that you fully understand their diagnostic routine to you such as prices, shop labor rates, and the old shop supply charges you are will be charged. Most of the confusion when it comes time to pay for your car repair diagnosis is because the customer did not fully understand how and why they are being charged. Paying hourly can be very expensive if you fall prey to the wrong auto repair shop.

Insist on Staying and Waiting For the Auto Repair Diagnosis:

If you wait and check on the auto repair shop’s progress from time to time you can be sure they spend quality time on your vehicle rather than taking breaks and reading news papers or, this day and age playing computer games. You may be approached and asked to leave and they will call you when they find something. Don’t fall for this delay tactic and attempt to get you to leave. Tell the auto repair shop guys you don’t mind waiting.

I hope this information will help you feel better when it comes time to pay for your car or trucks diagnosis. Just remember that there will be a Small diagnostic charge which is usually a half hour or .5 of an hour weather they find the problem or not. (around $25-$35) Or you can call these guys for a very fast second opinion. The auto repair shop will not expect you to have certified trained mechanics only a phone call away! Good Luck!

Keywords- car or truck diagnosis, auto repair, car repair, vehicle repair, auto mechanic

Second Opinion/Should I get a Second Opinion?/QwikTalk-Automotive

You just received your auto repair estimate and you are shocked by the price. I bet you are wondering, “Should I Get a Second Opinion?” Chances are, coming from a 25+ year auto mechanic like my self I am saying Yes to your question! Get as many car opinions as possible. The more opinions you get the lower the price of that original auto repair estimate will get. So the second opinion idea and your question on should I get a second opinion is a big yes.

On my blog, “Auto Repair Savings And my special Links” I give you the consumer, ideas on how to save money on your car repairs. If you get a chance check it out. I give this new company thumbs up on how well they take care of their car repair customers asking questions especially when it comes to getting a second opinion. They can be found HERE. Just give them a call and explain to them that you are looking for a second opinion on your car repair estimate. They will connect you with a highly trained auto repair mechanic possibly in your area to answer your questions and to give you a much needed second opinion.

Brake repair and car tune-up shops are known for giving out very high estimates then giving you the opportunity to tell them what you want and can afford right now. Take a few minutes and call QwikTalk to give you a second opinion right there on the spot! Give it a shot the next time you feel like you are being forced into unneeded car repairs. I would definitely recommend these guys to my friends and family members who are needing a second opinion really fast. In training new auto mechanics they are told to try and get a up sale before the customer has a chance to get a second opinion.

QwikTalk’s Website will explain the procedure on getting expert advice. Not only are they good for auto repair second opinions, they have other professionals ready and willing to give you second opinions on many other topics. Just click HERE. Go there and save them in your favorites so that the next time you are in a jam they are only a click away!

Keywords- Qwiktalk, second opinion, auto repair, truck repair, website, automotive

Auto Repair Questions Answered Now! (Part-2) QWIKTALK

Do you have an auto repair question concerning your vehicle and you find yourself surfing the internet and still can’t get answers? In my last blog post I mentioned calling QwikTalk where you will be connected to a professional instantly! For an example lets say you tore down your brakes and you don’t quite remember how they go back together. Well one quick call you will have your answer. I understand they will even try to connect you to a auto mechanic locally in your area. That is spectacular service that you and I need when we are in a jam! Get your auto repair questions answered now by calling QwikTalk.

I tried one of their competitors once and waited for hours for an answer. The guy gave me wrong information which caused me to set my float level to low and caused my vehicle to lose power on acceleration. I was real upset having to go back inside of the carburetor to reset my float. These guys can answer car and truck questions when it comes to brake repair, carburetor repairs, fuel and ignition system problems. If you need the correct fuel pump pressure put out by your in tank fuel pump give QuikTalk a call.

I used to recommend to my customers to have the correct year make and model of the vehicle ready. You will not believe how important this information is needed when asking questions about your car or truck. How many times have you forgotten what size to gap your spark plugs at? Or have you ever needed help locating your oil filter? Save yourself some valuable time and money by calling QwikTalk rather then spending countless hours scanning the internet for your car repair answers. That very small fee that you are charged is fully refundable!

Keep in mind they have other professionals ready to answer your questions such as Business consultants, Mechanics, and Veternerians. Of course, I was very excited to try out their fully trained and Certified Automotive Technicians at QuikTalk. With the weekend coming up and your getting to fix or repair your car or truck keep QwikTalk’s Website book marked here!

-The Autodude-

Keywords- qwiktalk, car, truck, answer questions, auto repair savings

Used haltech P500 for sale

Guys ,

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