
e420d Evo 3 plug & play

2 sets of EVO 3 plug & play e420d is ready . With tuned map that can cater 1.5 bar with stock injector 510cc. 10 hp was up with slight up advance ignition timing while still with air flow sensor fitted . And another 20 hp up after air flow sensor removed. If further touch up estimate another 10 hp possible to obtain with not question. So i can say 40 hp easily to gain with e420d + plug and play loom

Offered price : RM 4500 Pls call me 012-4095795 for more detail

Selamat hari raya to all muslim fellow

Here i would like to wish all muslim fellows Selamat hari raya and a nice holiday to non-muslim fellow.


ECUDATASCAN connected with adaptronic e420d

The picture shown 9 channels which represented 9 types of gauge !!

You can configure to show any information whichever shown on adaptronic e420d WARI gauge.

Came with custom window CE 5.0

Compatible with any GPS interface

MP3 & MP4 ( DIVX ) player

Datalogger ( 2G sd card required )

OBDII compatible ( separate com cable needed )

Diagnostic & trouble code erase for OEM ecu

Initial offer price RM2800 ( still cheaper if compare to have 9 types of gauge installed )

Paying For a Car Diagnostics / Auto Repair Savings Blog

Have you ever taken your car or truck in to a Repair Shop and have them hook up either their Scanner or Oscilloscope and wondered why you should have to pay for that? You are maybe thinking they did nothing but just hook up a machine to it and tell me I have a problem. You may have known that already before taking your Car or Truck in there. So once again, when it comes to your Vehicle Diagnostic Charge, why should you have to pay for hooking up your Machine to it? Let me give you some insight behind their thinking of why auto repair shops have to charge you for this.

First of all, that Machine may have cost them over $10,000 to purchase and will have to get their money back some how. Why would some one spend that much money on a machine and hook up cars and trucks for free? Here is an idea. Why not charge at least a half hour of Diagnostic Time (.5) to start getting their money back while also helping the customer out? If the problem is found using this machine then you can charge them a full hour of Diagnostic time. (1.0) Then you can charge some labor to install the bad part and you can also make some money on parts mark up!

Secondly they think of their education and certifications which allow them to read and use this machine might be worth something to them while also helping the customer out. The tools involved for testing the parts that were found bad by this machine might account for something too. I can tell you from over 28 years of experience auto repair shops do not open up for business in order to give things and services away for Free. It would be nice if they did! But I think we all know auto repair mechanics are not nice people to begin with. Vehicle diagnostic charges have to be used in small increments to pay this big machine off.

On the other hand, if they can not find your problem with their machines and scanners I feel you should not be charged. I really do! If they are in business to find your car or truck problems then they should be able to do their jobs and find it. This topic on, "Why should I have to pay for a vehicle diagnostic charges" has been a heated debate for years. Here is what you can do to protect yourself from shady auto repair shops and mechanics who try to charge you a diagnostic charges.

Look for signs which are usually located in the front auto repair office explaining their minimum charge for vehicle diagnostics. Ask the Shop Manager or Auto Shop Owner what their hourly charges are there. For instance if they tell you they charge $50 per hour then you will be looking at around half of that which is $25 plus taxes and fees. You can also watch and make sure the auto mechanic uses the full half hour of diagnostic time working on your car or truck. Make sure that he or she doesn't spend 5 minutes on it then go to lunch or something to that nature. For more information on, "Auto Repair Savings" please visit my blog.  More...... Diagnose Car Misfires!

ECUdatascan LCD monitor Received

Received yesterday and going connect to e420d . Will post some screenshoot here later

Summer Road Trip Tips Auto Repair Guys/Over 28 Years Experienced!

Below are some road trips for everyone to use when taking a late summer or early Fall vacation. Your car or truck today is the cheapest way to go if you have your car in shape to tackle these hot roads and highways out there in America. Can you imagine your self and maybe with your family cruising down the highway having the wind blow in your hair. That is a great feeling to have but to make sure that you get to your destinations follow these very helpful tips for taking summer road trips.

Please have your engine oil changed: During your engine oil change these auto repair guys will also check other items for you free of charge. belts, hoses, fluids, lubricate your front end, and let you know of any problems they can see that could possibly give you car problems on your road trip.

Have your vehicle Tuned up: During the tune up process these auto repair guys will check your cars computer system, ignition system, and let you know if you have any computerized sensor problems that could give you a bad road trip experience.

Have your wheels aligned at least once a year or before your Summer road trip: Now these auto repair guys really know their stuff when it comes to your wheels and steering components. During the alignment process your ball joints, tie rod ends, idler arm, pitman arm, caster and camber along with your toe in and toe out will be checked and set back to factory specifications for you. If you plan on towing something really heavy let these guys know ahead of time in case they have to align the vehicle with the load attached.

The last road trip tip I want to give you is kind of tricky. It includes receiving a free brake inspection: Now with these auto repair guys you may want to watch out a little bit cause they will be out to make some money not as bad as the other guys listed before. Brake inspections is a money maker for these automotive guys! They can use scare tactics to make you buy something from them. Once you hear a scare tactic used, leave immediately!

Check Engine Light
 NOTE: Summer road trip tips and these automotive repair guys can work well together if you find some trusting mechanics. During the oil change process watch out for quickie shops who will show how your fluids look compared to new fluids. And on your vehicle tune up watch out for over selling here as well such as unneeded filters and spark plug wires and sensors. The alignment guys can be a little sly also if they want to so be careful there as well. They may bring you out in the shop and show you how far and how much play your joints have on your vehicle. And last but least is the free brake inspection auto repair so called guys. Brake parts are very easy for them to replace and will turn around and charge you an arm and a leg.

I hope these Summer road trip tips and the automotive repair guys information I have given you will give you that vacation you badly deserve to take a pleasant one. For more reading please visit my blog at, “Auto Repair Savings.” -The Autodude- Over 28 Years Experienced!