
Moroso Breather Tank
Used condition
All aluminum and lightweight
Hand-operated drain cock facilitates tank cleaning
Includes filtered breather that traps oil while allowing air to escape freely
Mounting clamp is included

Offer price RM150

Call me for this item ... 012-4095795 ( kevin )

New stuffs for my gen 2

Recently i found my seat was damn dirty and ugly ( All the while the seat was in bad condition not recently LOL ) . Yesterday bought a seat called Bride low max :P .... I like this seat so much . Unfortunately last one , i can't get pair. Nevermind get another one later .

And then i also removed my unichip and replace with haltech Platinum sport 1000 . Now start to do installation.

Ah ... My exhaust also down grade ... No more big muffler at the back there. Purely a tip :P

Car Parts

I just read an interesting article yesterday and I felt a need to share it with you. By asking to see your old parts really isn’t enough. It is possible some shops could just pull something out of the bin and tell you this is your old part! Such as a brake rotor Power Stop AR8742L Cross Drilled Performance Brake Rotor - LeftPower Stop AR8742L Cross Drilled Performance Brake Rotor - Left or brake pad

Although I never seen this done before at the shops I worked for, it can be done to the unsuspecting customer.
The way around this is very simple and could save you from being ripped off!

A lot of times I would take the customer back to the shop area and point out to him or her the part being replaced. Some shops don’t do that! They inform you that their insurance company does not allow people back in the shop area. (I never liked those signs up). Or they make up some other excuse to keep you out.

 Well anyway, if you have them point out to you the part being replaced, you appear as a careful consumer. After the repair, ask them to show you the new part installed! If the part is under the car, have them put the car up in the air on the lift. It only takes a few minutes of their time to raise the car!

Keep this in mind the next time you have your car repaired and you won’t be ripped off. Happy Driving!

Used campro engine open for sale

Guys ,

I got complete set of campro engine open for sale at RM5500 . Full wiring ( ecu , engine harness and ecu ) , manual transmission, engine ( full ) and registered ( previous owner done endorsement ) . Text or call me for inquiry. 012-4095795.

Hourly Rates

I just recently moved to a small town to raise my six year old up in. He seems to be very popular here. Anyways, I ran into a few car problems while living here. Since I am no longer able to do some of my own repair work, I rely on other mechanics here to do it for me.

I remember how the bigger cities were so cold and mean to their customers. It seems like they had one and only one policy to stick by. No exceptions! (unless the customer knew one of the mechanics personally) The auto repair shops always seemed to be nice and courteous to ya just until they can get a work order approved by you then they try to hurry and get you out as fast as possible. That’s where mistakes are being made on your vehicles.

To the mechanic, time is money! The faster they can get your car out the quicker they can get the next one in. I would honestly say it’s not their fault. The way they get paid is outrageous! Instead of doing a good job they have to hurry and beat a time clock or they lose money for they day. In my earlier blogs I mentioned being paid by “Flat Rate or Book time” for their jobs they are performing on your car.

Just because they are hired in at $30 per hour doesn’t mean that is what they actually get. For instance, if I was to replace a starter for the day and the shop charged you $60 for the labor, I would only receive the $30 for the whole day if no other cars were worked on by me.

But I would want to rush that car out of there as quick as I could just in case another car came in. My thinking would be if I could up sell and do more starters for the day then I could really make some money at $30 per hour. So be careful and cautious when you pick up your car. Make sure it is clean and working like it should.

Happy Driving!

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR !! 恭喜恭喜 , 新年万万岁 !!

Wish all chinese reader ,


Campro BOT package ( For public reference )

Management ( install + tune + dyno )
Unichip Q+ plus turbo module = Rm2600
Haltech sprint 500 = RM3600
Haltech sport 1000 = RM5600

Turbo unit
New GT2510 ( hyrid) = Rm1500

0.5 bar wastegate = Rm300

Turbo exhaust header ( custom )
New turbo header ( 2mm thick s/steel pipe ) Rm1200

Intercooler piping
S/steel piping 2" ( mandrel bent ) RM500
Welding labour charge Rm200
Hose joint 2" and 2.5" (RM50 per pieces) ( 5 pcs used ) = RM250
Super Hose clip S/steel ( bigger than normal)= RM12 x 20 = Rm240

Oil feed and drain
Steel braided hose for oil feed=RM100
Fitting= RM30
Oil sump oil drain modification = RM300 ( Aluminium welding and adaptor )
Oil drain pipe plus bracket = RM100

injector Evo = Rm80 per piece ( For extra injector setup )
External Injector holder = RM90

Exhaust piping
Down pipe 2.5" pipe = RM200
O2 sensor flange = RM50

Intercooler 10" x 7" x 2" = RM450

Thicker Head Gasket 1 - 1.5mm Custom
1mm - RM450
1.5mm - RM550
2 set of original gasket needed - RM160
Labour charge = RM300-RM500 ( remove head , clean , surface touch up and install )

DUAL layer radiator (NEW) RM500