
Campro 1.3 piston head FOR SALE

Hi guys ,

Anyone insterested to upgrade currect 1.6liters campro to high compression 1.6 liters campro ? Here got 4 pcs of 1.3 liters camproUSED piston head which can upgrade your 1.6 campro becomes high compression from 10:1 to 13:1 and above . Offer price at RM200 for 4 pcs . This piston head no valve clearance and suitable for those who never think of upgrade cam duration ( high cam) . If you got intention to upgrade cam shaft to high cam , you need to have valve clearance on top of the 1.3 piston. The valve clrearance job need to pay another RM200 .

USED 1.3 piston with valve clearance = Rm400
USED 1.3 piston without valve clearance = Rm200

New 1.3 piston = R100 for one pc . 4 pcs will RM400 . You save RM200 for buy USED piston .
Good in condition .

Below is the picture of the 1.3 piston that i mentioned .

This 1.3 piston . Looks dirty . Don't worry , i got them washed and became shining . This picture took after dismantled from engine .

1.6 piston Original piston

Positioning my turbo

Hi guys , i am back . This time i will show you how i am positioning my turbo unit . Just a rod and steel wire will do . I got the turbo position and then i put on flange of extractor and turbo exhaust flange . Using another 2 steel rods weld on both flange to hold it in position and then remove it . Later the model will go pipe assembly . :P


HI guys , proudly to present electronic booster for campro series . Feel tired with lag ? Booster is the stuff to change the entire part throttle respond which you can't experience with original DBW .

Below is the chart of the Throttle opening angle vs accelerator traveling angle . Comparison within original and after booster installed